Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


            “Today’s the day, are you ready Avery?” Mark askedJackson as they walked out the doors to head towards the bus.

            “Yes!”Jacksonreplied with an annoyed tone,

            “I’ve told you like six times I was ready.” Mark proceeded to tellJacksonabout what he should eat while there and that he should take care of himself so he’s well prepared for the test.

            “Are you even listening to me?”Jacksontapped on the screen of his phone as he texted someone,

            “I’m trying not to.” He replied as he pulled his luggage and headed towards the bus.

            “Make me proud!” Mark yelled out as he fist-pumped the air once. In the mean time, April was having second thoughts about herself; she kept running off the bus questioning whether or not she could do it.

            “No, you go back on the bus and tell yourself you can do it.” Owen coached her.

            “I want you to repeat after me. I am a soldier!” Owen said with a stern voice,

            “I-I am a soldier…” April repeated with a soft voice,

            “No-No! I want to hear you mean it…I am a soldier!”

            “I am a soldier!” April yelled out in which Owen patted her back as she headed back on the bus.

            “I am a soldier!” She kept repeating. Owen shook his head as he watched the residents fill the bus.

            “Where’s Grey?” Dr. Bailey asked as she looked around.

            “I’m sorry Zo.” Meredith held her adopted baby in her arms as she felt bad.

            “Meredith, go. I’ll take care of her.”

            “I know, but I’m her mother and she’s sick. I feel bad.”

            “She’ll understand Meredith.” Meredith let out a sigh and handed her back to Derek.

            “Okay, I love you.” She said to Derek as they shared a kiss and she headed down to the buses.

            “Just go Karev!”Arizonabegan to say to Alex,

            “I am…I just had to make sure Tommy was okay.” Alex replied as he grabbed his bags.

            “I got this.” Alex grabbed his bags,

            “I hope you do.”


            “I mean…I know you do!”Arizonaflashed her innocent smile as Alex headed towards the bus.


            “Alright Cristina, this is your moment to shine. Then when you come back, you’ll be an attending.” Teddy Altman, Cristina’s boss, said with a huge smile on her face,

            “Show them whose boss.” She said as Cristina headed on the bus. Owen watched her and sighed,

            “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.” Teddy said as she patted Owen’s back.

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