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Gulf was jogging back to his mansion. He was a sportsman who loves to keep himself, fit, and healthy. A very charming person who always speaks the truth wants to walk in the path of truth even it has many obstacles. He doesn't like the person who takes short cuts to reach the destination, who lies, who don't respect others.

Gulf values his family and friends more than anything. Always respects all around him. He even gave much respect to maids and servants in his mansion. He has always been a Papa's boy. Always does whatever his dad wants him to do but when he decided to choose study technology Gulf's dad supports his son. Now he going to graduate within four months currently doing an internship in Ziva corporate.

Gulf wants to prove himself to his dad so he decided to work with other companies from step one. Gulf was fully satisfied with his life. He never wanted anyone rather than his family and friends to share his sweet and hard times like a lover or something. He also decided to give the rights of choosing his life partner to his parents because he trusts them that they will choose him the best. He was waiting for the person whoever that e gonna spend the rest of his life. He wants to give full support and care for the person who gonna share their life with him.

Once he entered, his chief butler greeted him with a bow. Gulf joins his hands and greeted him back. Then a maid served the energy drink to him. He had it and went to get ready for his internship. He gets back to the dining room, where his parents were waiting for him. Once he took the seat, he greeted them. They too. Having breakfast Gulf's dad Kim voiced "How is your internship going my boy?" Gulf chewed his rice and said " Great dad. Everything is good. My senior was really impressed with my work".

Gulf was still concentrated on his food. Kim called his som in the stern voice " son I wanna tell you something important". By hearing his dad's dark voice Gulf made a serious look towards his dad in the attentive mode and asked " What is it, dad?" Kim let a soft sigh and said " Son I want you to get married to the heir of my friend" Gulf was speechless for a minute. He collects himself and asked " Dad what's so rush. I still didn't get graduate." He leads his gaze to the floor. Kim asked his confused son " My boy do you trust me?".

Gulf eyes glistening with a small drop of tears, he chins up to see his dad and said: "Of course dad I trust you." By hearing these words Kim said " Then get married my boy. You will never regret following my decision." Gulf placed his palm on his dad's hand gave a little squeeze and said " ok dad I will".

Gulf's mom just hugged his son. Gulf's dad was extremely happy. Gulf didn't even ask for further information about his future life partner. He left the mansion for his internship in his bike that he brought from his own money.

 He left the mansion for his internship in his bike that he brought from his own money

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Yep. He worked many part-time jobs. He saved it wisely by investing some in top companies' shares. Gulf doesn't want to live under anyone's shadow so he worked fullest to be independent.

Gulf reached his office. All his colleagues and his bestie saint greeted his morning. Saint is his childhood friend travel through many up's and downs Saint is still clueless that Gulf is from a rich family. Tan skin boy never wanted to show off his dad's wealth, he didn't lie too. With his humble and polite behavior, all think that he is from a middle-class family. They went to their respective working table. As usual, work went smoothly.

Lunch break at the cafeteria Saint and Gulf get their usual food and took a table. Saint observed his friend's serenity he got curious because this is not his bestie's nature so he voiced " What happened Kana?" Gulf pinched his nose bridge and said " I gonna get married " Saint didn't believe what he heard so he yelled, " You WHAT?!!". The whole cafeteria turned to their table. Gulf pressed his palm over his bestie's mouth and made him silent then slowly gave a death glare by knowing all others were observing them. Saint mouthed sorry for his behavior.

Gulf let a soft sigh and continue" My dad wants me to get married to of his friend's heir" Saint was more shocked. He frowned at his friend and said " what you are five? Then why are you still not deciding anything on your own Kana? Why are destroying your own life for your stupid policies". Gulf sighed and explained, "I trust them, Saint". The pale chubby guy didn't intend to argue further so he asked " ok who is the lucky girl who gonna get this great guy as her husband?" Gulf chuckles at his friend's childishness. But continued " I don't know"

Now Saint was really pissed. He asked " what are you trying to prove here Kana? I just..can't digest anymore. I am leaving your stupid ass.." By saying this Saint left Gulf alone. Now Gulf was really wondering about hid future life partner. He wants to know who is it. He decided to ask his parents once he gets back to his mansion.

After that work gets hectic he didn't leave his table for a minute. In the evening he about to leave. His phone buzzed. He flipped to see the screen it shows his dad's picture. He picked up and greeted his dad. His dad voiced " My boy you gonna sign the marriage papers today. So come to Ken law industry" Gulf clustered the phone tight and said " Dad. Why today what's the rush? What do you mean by papers? Don't you want to see your son's marriage ceremony?"

Kim said " Son it's just formality. We can arrange your ceremony, very grand later. Hmm". Gulf sighed and said " ok dad. I will there in an hour". With the thousands of thoughts, Gulf reached his mansion get showered put an expensive suite groomed himself for his partner" he gets his white Mac Laren to drive to his destination.

 With the thousands of thoughts, Gulf reached his mansion get showered put an expensive suite groomed himself for his partner" he gets his white Mac Laren to drive to his destination

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Once he entered in all there were mesmerized with his charm. But he politely greeted all. He took the elevator to reach the particular floor. He walked to the conference hall. Once he pushed the door all in the room turned to his direction expect one. Gulf doesn't care about the particular person but his eyes wandered around the room to get to see his life partner but no avail. So he walked toward the table. His father motion's his chin telling his son to sign the papers in the table. Gulf just nodded and sign the papers.

Kim smiled ear to ear by seeing his dad's happy face he can't control himself, he went near his dad and asked: " Is that all over dad?" Kim just nodded his head and pulled his son for a tight hug. Suddenly, Gulf heard dark unknown voice says " What the hell?" He turned his gaze to the owner of the voice. There stood a tall, fair, well-built, muscular handsome, and dashing creature glowing in his mighty in front of him. Gulf frowned at him asked, " what is hell here and who the hell are you?" Kim pulled his son's arm and said "He is your husband Mew Suppasit only heir of Suppait group of businesses and companies". Ken came forward and said to Mew " This is Gulf Kanawut only heir of Kana technology and corporates "

Both men were shocked to the death. No one can utter a word they felt their world crumbled down to the shit. Gulf's heart is beating rapidly, he felt dizzy everything went blur. He can't digest his parents did this to him. He felt betrayed. In a second Gulf fainted due to anxiety. On the other hand, Mew is already exhausted with all this marriage drama from the morning, he also lost more blood when he broke the glass. Now his whole body went numb by knowing that he was married to a fucking male. His eyes felt heavy he too passed out at the same time when Gulf fainted. All in the room panicked to death of the current situation.



To.. Be.. Continued....

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