*Love me*

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After Mew left Gulf flopped on the chair, Bright patted his head slightly and asked "Do you think it's good?" Gulf sighed and said, "We already discussed this Bright". The slim boy sat next to Gulf and said " I know but seeing him I guess you made the wrong move". Gulf made a frown and in an annoying tone he spoke "Seriously Bright. Whose friend you are?" Bright chuckled slightly and said, "Of course yours that's why I am worried, I know you didn't over him still." Gulf massaged his template and asked, "So what should I do Bright. Should I go on my knees to beg him to accept me? I too have some self-respect Bright".

Bright tapped Gulf's shoulder and said " I know you were hurt. Why don't you give him a chance to speak". Gulf's cheeks got wet due to uncontrollable tears, he sobbed and said "I gave him Bright. I gave him more than half a year yet he behaved just nothing happened, he just wanted me for my body nothing more or less. Every night after we been together, I expected him to at least say a single sorry but no. He just ignored me after using my body just like he said as me a bitch. It hurts Bright. Hurts"
With that, he cried harder, Bright hugged Gulf tighter, tapped his back telling him smoothing words. Both unaware another pair of eyes witness all this drama.

The next day Gulf signed the divorce papers with a heavy heart and send them to Mew by his assistant Kit. After Mew knows the reason why his husband made this decision. Yep, Yesterday after he cried, he wanted to talk with Gulf, when he walked in he saw Gulf too crying and busting out his feeling to Bright, that's where he realized his terrible sin, how bad Gulf was hurt all this time. He decided not to hurt him any further so he signed the papers and gave them back to Kit.

Within a month they legally got divorced. Gulf bought a penthouse moved out from Mew's mansion. Both were proceeding to accept the fact of loneliness. They wanted to distract themselves from one another so drowned themselves in their work to keep them busy but fate planned differently for them. Mew's secretary arranged the meeting for his business, he was waiting for the new partner I mean business partner. There came Saint, Mew's eyes went wide by seeing his ex-husband's bestie but he brushed the thoughts, get up and hugged Saint friendly, and asked "Hey Dude, what are you doing here?".

Meanwhile, Gulf entered after parking his car into the restaurant where he came for new business. Once he saw Saint talking to someone who was behind him so he can't see who is he talking to he assumed that's their new business partner. So he reached them. Saint about to answer the Mew's question, he felt someone tapped his shoulder, he turned. Its Gulf. Both men's eyes went wide by seeing one another after two months. Before both speak Saint said "Sir this Mr. Suppasit our new partner". By hearing Saint Gulf gave his furious gaze. If anyone will die by that, Saint may die thousands of times. Mew's heart pounded faster than usual, he thought God gave them another chance but the truth is their friends Saint and Zee arranged this without their concerns because they both know Mew and Gulf love another but their stupid ego took the best place to push one another.

Mew extended his hand to Gulf. The younger don't want to be rude so he took his hand for a professional handshake. Mew spoke, "Good to meet you Mr. Kanawut". Gulf's lips curved slightly and said " Same here Mr.Suppasit". They both took their respective seats. Mew requested their need for new software, Gulf observed keenly Mew's words then after a good ten minutes of thinking he explained some ideas for improving the software. Mew was impressed by his Gulf's talents. He smiled brightly by seeing that Gulf's heart skipped a beat, he cursed himself for still reacting to Mew's presence. Both parties were satisfied with the terms and conditions so they finalized the deal.

The next two months were bliss for Mew but it was sweet hurt for Gulf. Mew decided to court properly the latter. He daily personally delivered flowers to younger, whenever he got chance used lame pick up lines to flirt with Gulf, sometimes tan boy was annoyed by the older. When they finished their weekly meetings Mew insist Gulf have a date with him, younger had no choice left when his own friends betrayed him by taking the side of his ex-husband. Slowly Gulf's heart was melting by Mew's warm love and care.

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