*You too*

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Days rolled into months. Gulf's company getting more opportunities. He is so busy these months but never failed to getting and giving pleasure from his husband, what's the difference is they didn't make love just sex no emotions, the need for one another's body to satisfy their lust.

Mew too didn't give much thought to the changes in his husband. He just brushed off the unclear feelings in his mind. He just thought the two were officially and legally married couples nothing more to feel anything. Gulf learned his lessons, he wanted to prove his ability what he can do on his own so he worked hard. He also doesn't know what to do further in his husband's case. He feels genuine love towards Mew but what's the use if only you feel so he accepted his place.

Every night after their hot sex session they used to sleep in their respective room. Mew's mom now on her world tour because she wanted to explore places. So no one is here for suggesting things for them. Gulf was slowly drifting apart from Mew but the older didn't was aware of it.

Gulf's company made an uproar in software development. He bought a new building for his office, hired many more employees, and also became busier than before, no time for Mew. On the other hand attitude CEO also busy with his business but not like his husband, he came back home evening welcomed by an empty black house. All cold there he realized how it feels to be lonely in an empty house.

Now it's time for Mew to wait as him Gulf didn't give a damn about Mew. Older try to distract from his husband but he couldn't. He wanted to hold his dear husband in his arms. It's been a month they had a proper talk or meal together. He had enough so he decided to visit his husband, once he finished his work early. Mew drove to Gulf's office, he parked the car in the parking lot. Entered in welcomed by a pretty receptionist waied him politely. He just nodded his head.

She questioned, "How may I help you, sir?". Mew said, "I am here to see Mr. Kanawut". She smiled warmly and asked, "Do you have an appointment sir?" He gulped, he doesn't know what to address himself to the receptionist. If he tells her that he is fucking husband of her boss what will she think? If he really has the right to tell her. His thoughts were snapped back by the girl "Sir would you tell me your name so I can call the CEO's office to inform your presence?"

Mew cleared his throat and said "Mew Suppasit". She nodded her head and call the office, in seconds her eyes wide Mew don't know why. Once she dropped the receiver, she came out of her desk and bowed head to Mew and said "I am sorry Sir. I didn't recognize you. This way sir". She leads the way. Mew was confused with her reaction but he followed her. It's a private elevator. She just pressed the top floor button and get out. Mew reached the floor. His heart is beating so fast, he doesn't know why, is he nervous? Is he excited? Is he worried? He can't pinpoint this feeling. The doors opened, to his surprise, a guy was waiting for him with a warm smile.

Mew smiled back, then the boy voiced "Welcome, sir my name is Kit, I am here to lead the way for you, sir". Mew just nodded his head but his heart is beating unevenly. Kit leads the way towards the hallway in the least corner there came a double glass door where there is a gold board with black letters 'Gulf Kanawut'. Mew smiled at his husband's name. The boy stopped, turned, and said "Sir Kana will be here soon. Please wait in sir". The boy opened the door for Mew. Once he entered the boy closed the door and left.

Mew examined his husband's bright office colored cream color. The glass wall made the room more beautiful. The left side wall was filled with books. The table was arranged well with a computer. Mew was awed by his husband's office. He sat on the couch waiting for Gulf. Now he realized how bad he messed with his husband. The memory of what he did to Gulf at his office hunt him. He wanted to apologize for his rudeness, now he admits to his heart he missed Gulf. In a minute a pretty girl came in with a knock, she placed a coffee, bowed her head, and left. Mew just nodded his head. Once the girl disappeared he sipped the coffee which is exactly tasted like his taste. He finished his coffee and placed the empty cup on the table

At the exact time, the door opened to reveal his husband who is wearing a perfect navy blue suit that fitted him well to show his curves obvious. But his face shows how exhausted he is. Black rings showed how he missed sleep. Mew was worried to see Gulf like this. He wanted to hold the younger to make him rest in his arms. Once Gulf's gaze met Mew. He smiled warmly. Mew's heart picked up speed, he badly wants to throw himself into his husband's arms but he didn't have the courage so he stood still and smiled back.

Gulf sat on the couch at a safe distance and spoke " What happened Mew? You came here anything wrong?" Mew was amazed at Gulf's words after all he did to him still his husband was worried about him. Now his guilt was eating him slowly. His thoughts came to sense by the most beautiful voice for Mew  "I am asking you, Mew. What happened?" The older closed his ajar lips, cleared his throat, and said "I.. Um.. am.. I. . came here to check on you. It been a week since you came home". Gulf's eyes went wide with Mew's words, but he gets normal in a second and said " Oh. I was busy with a new project it's launch was near that's why".

Before he completes his sentence someone bangs the door, both see the exit it's Saint. He was mumbling by seeing his I pad "Gulf next meeting was about". Saint stopped his sentence when he realizes his friend is not alone but with his husband. Saint smiled awkwardly and spoke "Hi P'Mew. I will come later" with that he left. Mew again turned his gaze to Gulf and spoke "You look so exhausted why don't you take a rest for an hour? Did you at least had dinner?" Before Gulf answers the question his stomach answered with a growl. Mew chuckled lightly and asked, "Shall we have dinner?" Gulf smiled lightly and said "Sure but my treat" Mew just nodded his head.

Gulf stood up and said, "You wait I will be back soon". Once Mew answered ok Gulf went to Saint inform his dinner with Mew. Once he did, went back to his office. Mew and Gulf went together to a fancy restaurant. Mew decided to use this opportunity to apologize to Gulf and makeup with him. They ordered, waiting for food.

When Mew about to speak, Gulf waved at someone Mew turned in the direction where he saw a slim figure with an attitude face same height as Gulf fair complex wearing all black.

When Mew about to speak, Gulf waved at someone Mew turned in the direction where he saw a slim figure with an attitude face same height as Gulf fair complex wearing all black

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Once the figure reached their table, he opened his arms wide. Gulf throws himself into it. Once they pull apart that guy kissed Gulf's cheek. Mew's heart tore into pieces. Gulf smiled widely at the guy. Then turned his gaze to Mew and said "This is Bright my boyfriend". Mew can't trust his ear so he asked " He what?" Bright chuckled with attitude, extended his hand to Mew, and said "Boyfriend. You must his husband by just paper. Mew right? Nice to meet you". Mew can't take this anymore, he avoided Bright's hand turned his gaze to Gulf, and asked " Can you explain this Gulf?" Gulf sighed softly and said, " I know you don't want to be in this marriage. I want someone to love me, Mew. So I decided to give you what you want. Divorce. I will send the papers tomorrow".

Mew can't proceed with Gulf's words, his whole body felt numb, his heartfelt so much pain like someone stabbed with thousands of knife. He wanted to deny Gulf's words but he can't utter a single word. He had the verge of cry but his ego pushing him to stay strong before Gulf. So he decided to get out of that place. Mew gets up abruptly. Before Gulf says something. Mew ran to the parking lot into the car and broke down in tears that's where he realized what he feels. He shouted "I love you Gulf. Argg!!!!"


........To be continued.......

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