* What's This*

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After that Gulf storm out from Mew's office. He went to his friend Saint's condo. He spends the weekend with his buddy he expects Mew will call or even text but for his disappointment, nothing happened. Mew's mom calls him he just informed her that he is crashing at his friend's.

Monday morning Gulf went straight to office from Saint's condo. He felt suffocating by holding this burden alone in his shoulders so he said all about him to his bestie about his family, marriage with Mew, and his new wavering feelings for Mew. Saint reveals that he is gay and also has a boyfriend. First Gulf was shocked but he accepts his friend as he is. Then Saint helped Gulf to understand his feelings better by interrogation session.

Back to a weekend at Saint's condo

Saint: How does he look like?

Gulf: Hot as hell, irresistible.

Saint: What's most attractive about him?

Gulf: Lips.

Saint: What do you want from him?

Gulf: Full attention, trust and I want him to smile only at me.

Saint: Who is Simon?

Gulf: Annoying bitch. Damn cousin.

Saint chuckled and said " obviously you are love with him" Gulf's eyes went wide he argued " But I am not into men. I am not gay. How is this possible?" Saint explained with sigh " Gulf for loving a person you don't want to label your sexuality. You may not into men but you are definitely into Mew. When I asked how he looks like you can answer just handsome but you said hot as hell that defines that you adore his physique. Then you said lips were too attractive that means you want him to kiss you. Then you want his attention. But why we were friends from childhood did you expect full attention from me. Nha! That explains that he is more than a friend to you. Then finally Simon by seeing your reaction by hearing his name made me confirm that you are definitely jealous of that Chinese.

Gulf took a deep breath and said " ok I admit I have a feeling for my fucking husband but what's next. He is with that bitch Simon. If that fucking Mew wants to try things with men then he having me why the hell he did with that Chinese. Ahaargg!!!" Saint said "Don't worry Gulf wherever he goes whatever he does just ignore but at the end of the day he is your husband so don't lose hope. Claim what's yours. Don't give up easily with that chine boy"

With that Saint introduced his boyfriend Zee to his bestie they all get along well. The rest of the weekend flew like air. Monday evening, Gulf again decided to go to Saint's condo. He about to leave his phone buzzed, he flipped his mobile it shows Chine. Gulf felt so annoying just by seeing the screen, even though he picked the call.

Simon: Gulf can I meet you.?

Gulf: I am busy. What do you want?

Simon: It's about Mew.

Gulf: What about him. Is he alright? Does anything happen to him?

Simon: Slow down Gulf. Don't panic he is alright. But..

Gulf: Ok we can. Where should we meet?

Simon: At zozo cafe

Gulf: ok will be there in fifteen minutes.

Gulf hangs up the call. Thousands of thoughts running through his mind. He wants to tell about this meeting to Saint but he doesn't want to ruin his friend's date with his boyfriend. Gulf hailed a cab, he reached the cafe,  searched for that chine, Simon waved at Gulf. He went to the table, they ordered. There was a long silent moment Gulf felt somewhat uncomfortable so he breaks the silence "so what you want to talk to me?"

Simon sighed and said " Gulf I am sorry " by hearing this Gulf got confused his mind was debating why he is sorry? What did he do? Does my husband already fell for this chine? Does he want to divorce my fucking bastard husband? His thoughts were snapped from the arrival of the waiter with their order.

Simon continued " Gulf what you see that day is purely a misunderstanding" Gulf chuckled bitterly and said " What's that to do with me? I am just his buddy but you are his dear cousin so don't bother to explain to me" Simon smirked and said " Your mouth telling one but your eyes telling things differently. You said you are his buddy but you don't see him like one. I know you have feelings for him". Gulf embarrassed that Simon found him his face turned red by anger, embarrassment, and also blush. Gulf argued " No I am not" Simon chuckled and said, " I heard that you don't lie and always walk in the path of truth then why are you lying?"

Gulf was speechless for a minute then continued " What if I say I have feelings for him. Do you have any problem with that?" Simon smiled wide and said " Definitely not. I am so happy for him that someone is really into him not into his wealth or fame. " Gulf was more confused now with the frown he asked, " What you mean?"

Simon let a soft sigh and explained  "Gulf I am gay and for your important information I already have my man. That day in office we spilled coffee over our shirt so we decided to change while walking to the wardrobe I skipped a step to we landed in that pose on the couch. Mew is like a brother to me from childhood we fond of one another. That's why he is taking care of me but in your case, he is totally different. He likes to tease you, he adores your county child lips when you whine I noticed that many times. Mew is a stubborn guy who always argues what he thinks is right. Now he was thinking that he is straight as an arrow so he sticks with that without you making any move he definitely will not accept his feelings. The last two days he was missing you but didn't want to accept that so he threw trauma over everyone, even at me. You better come back home and make him accept his feeling. I will help you with anything in this process". Simon smiled warmly.

Gulf literally got a panic attack with Simon's information. After some random chit chat, they became really close. They about to leave, there was a man look like Greek God with a sharp gaze screaming all manly looking intensively at Simon.

Gulf gets what's that look mean to he walked to that man and said " Again you glare at him I will just chop off your head, got it you jerk?" That man smirked asked, "Then how about I kiss him in front of you"

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Gulf gets what's that look mean to he walked to that man and said " Again you glare at him I will just chop off your head, got it you jerk?" That man smirked asked, "Then how about I kiss him in front of you". Gulf's rage raised so he pulled back his fist to punch. Simon grabs Gulf's first and said " Hey calm down. He is my boyfriend Jason."

Jason grab Simon by the waist and landed his lips on Simon's. They were kissing passionately without caring for anyone's presence. Gulf literally imagining him kissed by his husband got red and hot. They parted with a slurping sound. Jason turned to Gulf and said, " How is it furious kitty? You are interesting. " with this comment Gulf bowed his head with full read ears and cheek. Now he really doubting his sexuality. Simon pushed Jason playfully and said " Dear you are making him nervous. Behave" Jason smirked and said " Anything my baby wants"

Gulf went back to Saint's condo took his belonging and went back to Mew's mansion when he reached, he greeted all people there and Mew's mom. Finally, he went to their room, at the same time Mew opened the bathroom door just stepped out from shower just in a towel wrapping around his waist. Once his gaze fell on Gulf without any hesitation he grabs him for a tight hug. They were hugging one another as their life depends on it. Mew felt content by having Gulf in his arms he can't pinpoint what's this happiness means but he enjoying this feeling.

To be continued...

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