You say she's just a quiet girl, but she's real nice.
You say she's kinda pretty, and that she always smiles.
But did you know that she's only quiet, because the voices in her head are too loud, and they aren't nice at all.
Did you know she feels so ugly, because she's been told that way for so long.
And did you know that her smiles are fake,
So before you walk past the 'quiet girl', say 'hello', so the voices stop for a while, and she can smile a REAL smile and then say 'hi' back.
Take a look
PoésieTake a look inside my mind. Into my rants, vents, strange poems and random insights. My mind is a scary place, so enter with caution. WARNING: I tend to get a little... Dark. If at any time you find anything I've written to be triggering, please sto...