Kayden Arrives in a New World again...
Other Places, always Different. or even weird happens sometimes.
This Was After Gmod Gamer X RWBY and Gmod Player X Isekai
Time: 8:23 AM Location: Mismede, My Bedroom Status: [REDACTED]
Its 8 AM In a Morning, Its that Damn Leen, She's was next to me, sitting on the chair, i was expecting about Yumina but its not.
Kayden: *Left Red Eye Glow* GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM OLD HAG!!
Leen: How Rude Kayden.., I Just want to say Hi.
Kayden: Really, Next to my bed in the morning..
Leen: Yes.
I Stand Up Straight Wearing G-Pajamas.
Leen: ara ara, Thats a Cute Dress you have.
I Pouted with a Anger Mark on my Cheek.
Kayden: Shut up. *Yawn*
I grab my Phone and place it on my Lap While Neptune is Next to me.
Kayden: So your Here to Know about Smartphone? is that why your here next to my bed immediately?
Leen: That's Right, Im very Curious about Smartphone you call it.
Kayden: Fine, it will be a long story, about an hour? or should I only explain for 10 minutes per day.
Leen: Its Alright.
Kayden: Okay...
(King Crimson)
Time: 11:39 AM Location: Unknown Forest, Nearby Mismede
Its a Beautiful Day Outside, Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming.
I was Out There Alone With Neptune, Sticky Fingers was Holding my Pepsi while I was Drinking it, having thoughts why This is Keeps happening about Cliche Shit on Girls..
Kayden: *sigh* 'Why is this Keeps Happening everyday..
Neptune Jumps on my Lap and jumps on my face then i Start Petting it.
Kayden: Neptune I love you ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Not Her From Hyperdimension Neptunia, If Anyone Said it To her I Will Bury you guys alive on the Moon's Crust.
Kayden: Hugging you makes me Calm..
Then I Sense something behind me very fast and The Sound is a Gunshot. I quickly Act and Grab Neptune Down and Sticky Fingers Grab Incoming Bullets. My Stand Place a Bullets on the Grounds.
Kayden: There's 4 Bullets.
Wait, Bullets? Then Someone is Trying to Assassinate Me from Far Away?, No, Its Sword and Magic World Exist here, Im Bullet Proof, there's no Guns Here in the First Place.
Question is, Where did it come From?
Kayden: Ill get to the Bottom of this.. Neptune!!
I Stand Up Quickly and Neptune Hop next to my Shoulders and retrace back from where the Bullets come from by Running Through The Forest.
Then I Found These 2 Girls.
Linze and Yumina Practicing Shooting with guns?!
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