Kayden Arrives in a New World again...
Other Places, always Different. or even weird happens sometimes.
This Was After Gmod Gamer X RWBY and Gmod Player X Isekai
As I Continue Walking Straight to the Darkness, There's a Very Dim Light
Kayden: Finally I can see the End there.
In My View, There's Grassy land, Few Mountains around there, But Im Having a Feeling That Some of Invaders my Break Inside the Combine energy Barrier.
Kayden: I must Return for a Second.
I was planning to Go back again and Increase The Defense and Security, But When I Got Back, This Place was Blocked.
Kayden: huh?, Did my Combine Soldiers Purposely Block This Place when I Returned? wait...
Health - 200 Armor - 300
Kayden: Something is going on in this Gate..
Activate NVG and See this Place clearly, it was Closed by A Large Doors, Not Made By Combine Technology. I Use My Stand to a Bit Break so I can Peek whats in there. I saw.. Modern Place and There's Soldiers Armed With Modern Guns?! My Stand Place a Hand on the Broken Part and Reverse Back to Normal and Gasp with mild confusion.
Kayden: wait wut?
When I Realized I Got Bamboozled By this gate Separated me from my World, Leading to Medieval World and Modern World.
Kayden: 'What Should I Do. That Way Leads to Medieval World and The Other is a Modern World, I Bet The Medieval was more safer'
(King Crimson?)
1 Day Later
Location: Unknown, Nearby Fire Dragon's Domain
I Placed My Mini Secret Base Hidden with the Presence Of a Fire Dragon, Only Less People can come to this place.
My Mini Secret Base
p.s Don't mind Those HUD's
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Objective - Rescue Neptune
Time: 10:09 AM
Location: Coda Village
Common Places to Go, Very Small Town, when i travel around this place, some Villagers Keep an eye on me. I completely forgot this place is another world, My Dress is Complete different compare to them.
Kayden: eeeek..
I Run Fast and Find a Single House right next to a small waterfall. There's Like nobody was in that house. Activating Intelligent HUD, There's No one here, even I Peaked every Windows. Deactivate Intelligent HUD.
???: Is there something you need, Stranger?
I Turn around, Its a Young Girl with a Staff.
ID Name: Lelei La Lalena
Kayden: 'lelei lalalellwmwkjfjajksebfnjkashedfb Pfffff, There so Many L's, Oh....'
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180 - Health
I Quickly Turn away from her and cover my mouth with my both hands.
Kayden: 'huh?!, I didn't do anything but to look at her face, Why is My Heart Beating fast?'
Lelei: Whats wrong?
Wait a Sec, I Finally Realized that There is a Part of Love.
Kayden: 'It can't be!'
Love at First Sight?!
Its Not because of Her Beauty, Im Attracted to Bright Blue Colors, My favorite color of them all, Her eyes and That Hair, its a cute girl with blue hair and eyes.
Kayden: 'Alright Goddess of Love ya Cliche Casting Motherf*beep*, This is War!!'
Lelei Tilt her head with confusion. She's a Kuudere
Lelei: huh? <--------- Legal In Age of 16
Goddess Of Love, I Hate you for eternity
Stand Name: Crazy Diamond Original Stand User: Josuke Higashikata
Power - A Speed - A Precision - B Potential - C Range - D Durability - B