Chapter 12

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Kai's POV:
I frantically looked around trying to find a knife .... there was nothing... no blade no knife ....
why does it always happen to me ... why does this universe want me to stay here so bad .... I don't want to stay here anymore I don't want to!
"Yuna" I mumbled before sliding my back against the wall and falling downwards ...
I buried my head in my knees and cried ... I cried over there for at least an hour .... she was such an important person in my life.... how could she.. just end a friendship like that.....
I took a break the next day .. informed my company I won't make it tomorrow for practice...
I went to my diary and started writing ...
Yuna just ended it like that .., she didn't even think about what I felt... I never even got a chance to explain to her how a felt about her.... I hope we can meet someday....and Ryujin too .... why did she do that....

Yuna's POV:
He is offline. He is fricking offline!!
My hands started shaking and my phone fell out of my hands .... I have a irrational fear of my loved ones dying....
This is the time I realized I had feelings for Kai ...... but he is offline. Gone.
My eyes watered up and my body froze .... my hands kept shaking .... I stared crying and tried to calm myself down ..... he's offline.
Ryujin unnie entered the room to see my state.

Third person POV:
" oh my god Yuna are you ok!?!" She said raising her voice
Nothing escaped my mouth except sobs.
Ryujin knew what had happened . She knew Kai was a suicidal person .... he was emotionally weak.... he might have not been able to handle the shock... he must have told Yuna that he is going....
As soon as those thoughts singled in in Ryujin's head ... she hugged Yuna ... patting her back and stroking her hair trying to calm her down .... Yuna's phobia.... it only happened when a loved one mentions about themselves dying ..... no way .... does she like Kai?
" it's ok I'm here calm down Yuna , he will be fine.." Ryujin whispered
"U-u-unnie h-how do y-you know what I'm crying for" Yuna stuttered between her sobs
"I know him better than you think , now calm down he will be fine.." Ryujin comforted her...

Yuna sobbed for a while her hands were shaking uncontrollably....

She calmed down after 15 minutes or so...
" answer me truthfully Yuna .... do you like him...?"
"I don't know anymore unnie... he always defended me saying I'm perfect just the way I am .... anyone who doesn't date me is missing out ...... maybe after all those appreciative words I fell for him..." she whispered
"Shhh it's ok don't cry... I am there... but listen .... it's for your own good ok ? Remember that ..... you guys just aren't meant to be if something like this happened.... maybe you will meet in the future when things are better.... don't forget when we debut we have a 3 year dating ban too.... so don't even think about anything right now... focus on your career ok.... whenever you want to talk to someone I am always here and don't forget.... don't think about him ..... get him out of your head...."
Yuna hugged Ryujin tightly.

Yuna's POV :
I went to dance, to remove all the emotions from my body and to clear my mind.
I played my favorite song on my AirPods and went to the park.
I kept my phone down and started dancing , let my body move freely to the music .... as soon as I started dancing my mind started getting more clearer , focusing more on the music than what happened in my life recently.....

Kai's POV:
I went to the park. To dance. To clear my mind of everything.
I saw her again . The figure dancing in the dark , her body moving effortlessly to the music , her eyes closed as her every step matched the beat of the song perfectly , she was Yuna . I just realized that my role model was Yuna too.
I didn't go to her . My heart told me otherwise . I turned around and headed to the other side of the park.
I played my music and danced with all the energy I had , my dance being so energetic that people started crowding around me , taking videos and photos admiring my skill... I closed my eyes , got immersed in the song which was speaking about heartbreak , a teardrop fell from my eye as I finished the dance making everyone around me applause . I looked to the direction where Yuna was dancing before , she was gone.


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