Chapter 39

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"So does this mean we are together?" asked Kyle, stroking Jessica's hair. It was early Saturday morning, and they were lying in bed, having just made love.

"Together, together you mean?"

"Yeah, together."

"I'd say it looks like we're together."

They both started laughing. "What kind of conversation is that?" asked Jessica.

"One that only we would understand?"

Jessica turned towards him. "Yes, I think it means we are together. As an item. You are my boyfriend, and I am your girlfriend." She folded her arm under her head and stroked Kyle's chest. "I like the sound of that."

Kyle smiled. "Even if any of the companies I applied to give me an interview, I'm not going," he thought. "I'm staying here, even if it means working in a bar until I sort something out. She's worth it."

"What are you doing tomorrow morning?" asked Jessica.

"Sunday morning? Nothing."

"Do you want to come and watch a hockey game? We are playing a team from Lancashire."

"I'd love to! Wow, now I feel like a real boyfriend. Watching my girlfriend bash other women with a stick."

"I don't bash women with my stick. Not unless they bash me first. I just thought it would be nice to have you there. A bit of support, you know."

"Jess, I would love to be there." He pulled her on top of him. "But that's tomorrow. What are we going to do today?"

Jessica reached down and kissed him. "Stay in bed until we are almost dying of hunger?"

"Sounds good." Kyle wrapped his arms around her body tightly, as their lips met in a long slow kiss.

"Who is that?"

Becky stared out from the sports centre door onto the field. There were the usual crowd of supporters – mainly boyfriends and husbands of the women, with a few kids there, but one man stood out. He was standing on his own, a short distance from the others, and already looked like he was freezing. He had his collar pulled up around his neck. He gave a wave when he saw Jessica.

"That? Oh, that's my boyfriend."

Becky stared at her. "Oh come on, don't do this to me right before the game starts. I won't be able to concentrate. What do you mean he' mean, you and Kyle, you mean that's Kyle?"

Jessica laughed. "Yep, that's Kyle. And as of Friday, he is my boyfriend."

"Proper boyfriend? Not just a friend with benefits?"

"Proper boyfriend."

"Wow, girl, we've got some talking to do." She peered past Jessica and looked in Kyle's direction. "I can't see him very well from this distance, but he looks quite nice."

"Oh he is. He's gorgeous."

"Well, you would say that, wouldn't you? I want to have a nosy at him for myself. Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"What, now? I was going to do it after the game."

"Yeah, that might be better. Come on, let's get warming up. And don't let him go to your head. We need to win this one."

Jessica and her teammates ran out onto the field. She looked over at Kyle and he gave a small wave and a smile. The wind was cold, and Jessica ran up and down to get warm. The other team was on the other side of the pitch, passing the ball to each other.

"Who's that guy?" asked Tessa.

"That's Jess's boyfriend," said Becky.

"Ooh, nice," said Tessa.

"Hands off. He's mine," said Jessica with a smile.

Jessica had the best match she had had in a long time. She scored twice, which gave her team the match. She felt energized with Kyle watching. Knowing he was there seemed to give her an extra push. Every time she scored, she looked over at him and saw him clapping, hands in the air.

At the end of the match she walked over to him. Her hair was all over her face and she was sweating.

"I look a mess, don't I?" she said, trying to catch her breath.

"You look amazing. And you were fantastic out there. I don't know anything about hockey, but those goals looked incredible."

Jessica smiled. "Thanks." She looked at Kyle, huddled up in his jacket. "It's not too cold for you, is it?"

"I'm coping," he said with a smile. "But it's worth it."

Jessica turned around and saw the other women in her team looking at her.

"Gotta go," she said. "Thanks for coming. You are working later?"

"Afraid so. I'll message your later."

"Sure." Jessica hesitated. Should she give him a kiss in front of everyone? Why not? It was all out in the open now.

She reached up and kissed him on the lips. "See you soon."

She turned around and ran over to her teammates.

"Oh Jess, it's so good to see you happy," said Tessa. "And he looks like a really nice guy."

"You've got lots to tell us over drinks," said Louise."Come on, let's get showered and changed. We have more than one thing tocelebrate today."

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