Chapter 4

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Work kept Jessica busy over the next few weeks. She was project manager at an events company, and summer was the busiest time. Organizing outdoor music events and working on summer evening parties for her corporate clients took her mind off her personal life. She also had a packed hockey schedule, with training and matches almost every weekend. The girls there had been supportive, especially her best friend Becky. By the middle of August, she was starting to think about dating again.

"I think it's a great idea," said Becky, finishing her pint of beer. They were sitting in a beer garden in a pub one Sunday evening. The pub was packed, with people enjoying the late summer sun. "A new man in your life is just what you need."

"But where am I going to find him?"

"You might find him at the bar. It's your round, so come on, get going," said Becky.

Jessica laughed and stood up. "Same again?"


Jessica went into the pub and walked to the bar. "No, no one here," she thought, looking around at the people standing at the bar and sitting at tables. They were mostly couples, with a few groups of men, some of whom looked Jessica up and down and grinned leerily. She ignored them and ordered a beer for Becky and a white wine for herself. She looked around at the people in the pub as she waited. A man standing a few feet away from her looked over and smiled. "Cute, but far too young for me," she thought. She turned away and pretended to be interested in the rows of spirits behind the bar. He took the hint and turned back to his friends.

She paid for the drinks and carried them back outside.

"Any luck?" asked Becky.

Jessica shook her head. "Nope."

"What about those two over there?"

Jessica looked sideways at the two men sitting at another table.

"One has a wedding ring on, and the other is not my type. Too short."

"Beggars can't be choosers."

"Thanks Becky!"

Becky grinned. "I'm only joking. Most men would kill to have a date with you."

"I just have to find one I like. And so far, I haven't."

"Well, you haven't been looking that long. These things take time. Hey. you could try Internet dating."

Jessica took a sip of wine. "Yeah, I thought about that. But aren't those sites just full of people looking for casual hook-ups?"

"What's wrong with that? You weren't thinking about another serious relationship already, were you?"

Jessica shook her head. "No, of course not. I'm off those for life. Maybe a few casual hook-ups are what I need. At least it'd be fun."

"All the fun without the stress. Sounds like the perfect plan for you at this time. Here," said Becky picking up Jessica's phone. "Sign up now. We can pick a few out."

"You just want to ogle some profile pictures, don't you?" said Jessica. "OK, give me a minute." She opened up a dating app. A few minutes later, she had made an account. She took a selfie, uploaded it, and wrote a few details about herself. "Right, here we go. Guys in the York area."

A list of men appeared on her screen. "Any take your fancy?"

"Ooh, let's look," said Becky. She scrolled down the profiles and stopped at one. "How about this guy?"

"No way, he looks like James."

"Just thought he was your type, that's all...OK, this guy." She held the phone out to Jessica. The profile picture showed an attractive man with sandy coloured hair. "There isn't much information about him. Just says that he lives in York and that he's thirty-six."

"Well, some people don't want their details plastered all over the net. You didn't write much about yourself either, did you?"

"No. Just that I live in York, am an events manager and play hockey."

"Hit him up."

Jessica shrugged. What was the harm in it?

"What should I write in the message?"

"Oh come on Jess. You are out of practice, aren't you? Saw your profile. Wanna meet?"

Jessica laughed. "As short and sweet as that?"

"Well, what are you after? A hook-up or a marriage?"

"Do I need to answer that?"

"So just send the message. Then wait for him to contact you."

Jessica typed the message and pressed send.

"The ball is in his court now," said Jessica.

"When he sees your profile pic he'll bite," said Becky, finishing the last of her pint. "Another one?"

"I'm OK with this wine thanks. I can't drink as fast as you."

"I'll get one for myself then," said Becky, easing her large muscular frame up from between the wooden bench and table. Jessica watched her go and then jumped as her phone pinged. She picked it up.

"That was quick," she thought. She read the message.

"Hey, wanna meet for a drink sometime?"

"Short and sweet. I can guess what's on his mind."

"Sure," she wrote. "Next Friday, Eagle Arms, 7:30?"

"See you then."

"Well that was easy," she thought. "I only signed up a few minutes ago and I already have a date!"

Becky came back with her beer. "You're looking pleased with yourself."

"Well, I've just gone and got myself a date, haven't I?"

"Oh my God, he replied so quickly?"


"Either he was attracted to your photo, or he is desperate."

"Thanks Becky! You say the nicest things!" said Jessica sarcastically.

"Sorry, didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm sure he has never had a request from someone as gorgeous as you. So, when do you see him?"

"Next Friday, 7:30."

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