☁️I Don't Have a 100 Years Left☁️

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A/N: The title makes this sound like angst but I tried my best to make it as positive as possible. This MC x All Brothers fluff. It might be slight angst but I'm unsure as I don't usually read angst. Sorry you have an incompetent author.

It had been around 6 months since I arrived at the Devildom for the student exchange program and to say that I was enjoying my stay was an understatement. I could not be happier to be living with seven of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. They are without a doubt the nicest demons I have ever met and I value each of their friendships greatly.

If I was ever feeling sad or if I ever needed anything, I knew I could always count on them and that thought warmed my heart. There was however, one thing that bothered me slightly...

It wasn't really that bad but it made me feel worried and uneasy whenever someone brought it up. I am referring to a certain "joke" they frequently find themselves making and I don't think they know that it bothers me.

Once Levi and Asmo were making fun of Mammon (what's new?) and they were teasing him about how possessive he tends to be over me, making him a blushing, flustered mess whenever he saw me that day.

"It'll take at least 300 years for him to get over this! Am I right, MC?", Asmo excitedly exclaimed to me and his older otaku brother. That. That was the one thing that kept bothering me and I tried my best to laugh at their joke and act as if everything was fine.

"Y-yeah very f-funny", I stutter. "I'll be in my room as I still have some homework left to do", I lied right through my teeth.

"That was weird, right?" Levi asked his younger brother after I left, to which he agreed.

"Do you think it was something I said?", Asmo questioned.

Meanwhile, after I got to my room I immediately went over to my desk to make it look like I was really doing homework so if any of them walked in, they wouldn't get suspicious. Being thousands of years old, I don't think they really understood the mild existential crisis that would come over me whenever they said those kinds of things. I wouldn't exactly expect them to understand either since I always tried my best to hide my discomfort towards that statement. At this point, I started to wonder if they even knew more or less how long, or should I say short, the average lifespan of a human was, especially compared to theirs.

While I was lost in thought, I hadn't noticed that someone had walked into my room and was standing right behind me.

"Are you alright?", a deep voice questioned. I turned around to see that it was none other than Lucifer.

"Yes I'm fine", I lied again. "I was just finishing up my homework before I go to bed", I say as I check the time which was now 11:38pm.

"My apologies but you seem worried. Are you sure nothing's bothering you?", he continued.

"Yeah, I'm just tired that's all", I stated before starting to tidy up my desk to go to the bathroom and get ready for bed.

"Okay, but if there's anything you ever need to talk about, I'll be in my office."

I hated making the demon brothers worry about me in situations like this but there was also a feeling of reassurance that they genuinely cared for me and wanted me to be happy.

*Time skip to next morning*

I got out of bed and started to make my way to the dining room for breakfast. A small part of me was worried that Lucifer had told his brothers about last night so I tried to act as cheerful as possible, hoping they don't mention it.

Fortunately, it seemed as if none of them knew anything about my weird behaviour yesterday so I calmly sat down at the table with my plate and decided to join in on their conversation.

"Oooh remember when those witches made Mammon spend over 10,000 Grimm on eye of newt and toe of frog for their potions?!"

(Yes, that was a reference to Shakespeare's poem "Double, double toil and trouble" from Macbeth)

"OMG! I remember he got in big trouble when Lucifer found out! It was so hilarious lololol!" Levi exclaimed.

"Wasn't that like 500 years ago?", Satan questioned.

"Yes, it was but it gets funnier everytime I think about it!", Asmo stated.

"At this rate, they'll be talking about it for another 500 hundred years", Belphie said before yawning.

I suddenly became very uncomfortable after what Belphie said and lost my appetite. I excused myself as I went to my room like I had done the night before and I had rushed out of the room to avoid any questions from the brothers.

"Did I say something wrong?", Belphie questioned with a worried expression. He turned to his brothers to see that they had mirrored his expression as well.

"They did that last night as well. Levi and I were making fun of Mammon and suddenly they left saying they had to do homework", Asmo explained to the rest of the brothers.

"Maybe they just feel sorry for me unlike the rest of ya!" Mammon hoped.

"No that can't be it" Satan said, earning a small glare from Mammon.

"I went to check on them last night and they were at their desk, staring at a closed book in front of them. They didn't seem well." Lucifer added.

This only made them worry more so they decided to go to MC's room to get to the bottom of this weird pattern of behaviour.

I layed on my bed hoping I would feel better after a while but unlike all the other times, this horrible feeling wasn't going away. It was like I had been bottling it all up and now it finally erupted. I suddenly heard a knock on my door and told whoever it was to come in.

To my surprise, all seven of the brothers had come to my room, all visibly worried. This is what I had been trying to avoid. Seeing them all so worried for me made me suddenly burst into tears and they all came near me in an attempt to make me feel better and find the reason behind my crying.

"MC, you have to tell us what's wrong. You can't keep running off like this. You know we all care about you right?" Asmo said.

"Whatever it is, MC, you can tell us. You know we would never judge you" Satan assured me.

When I finally stopped crying, I explained to them how much it bothers me when they say those things because humans don't get to live for thousands and thousands of years like demons or angels and it made me truly fear the future when I wouldn't be around anymore.

"...and that's what's been bothering me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I would just panic when you said those things because it would remind me that I won't be here in a few hundred years. I don't even have 100 years left in my life!", I exclaimed.

They all apologised but I wasn't really mad at them in the first place since I was the one that was hiding it and avoiding the problem.

"If it bothers you so much, we won't say it anymore" Beel reassured me, giving me a warm smile.

"I'd like that."

After that experience, the brothers promised me that they will do everything they can to make sure that I enjoy the 6 months I have left in the exchange program after which, I would still meet up with them as I cannot imagine my life without these demon boys now.

1307 words

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