🐾Perfect Pets🐾 Pt 2

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(A/N: My cat just suddenly jumped onto the bed right next to me while I was writing this and scared the s*** out of me🙁)


I feel like he would either have a very energetic and playful cat that behaves like a dog or a very lazy and quiet dog that behaves like a cat. I don't know why but that's what came to my mind for Simeon.


I'm 100% sure that Luke would get a chihuahua just to prove to the brothers that he doesn't act like one. He ends up really bonding with the dog but this only encourages the brothers to keep calling him a chihuahua. Basically mission failed but on the bright side, he and the dog are bffs now.


Since Solomon is a sorcerer I kept imagining him with either a pet crow like Maleficent has or maybe a black cat like witches would usually have. Something weird and shady but at the same time cute and practical (like their owner).


Dia and Luci are dog parents to Cerberus. One day, however, Diavolo decided to get another dog and she was like a female version of Cerberus. I also like to imagine that the dogs end up having a huge litter of puppies that each look like a tiny Cerberus.🥰


Since he's a butler, I don't think he would have the time to take care of a pet. But I can imagine him walking the tiny Cerberus puppies with many little leashes and taking care of them as it is now part of his job.

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