End of year

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With the GCSEs over two things were on the mind of Alfie  loosing his first class and how his life with Chantelle would change as they were supposed to come out as a couple at the prom as by then the would no longer have a teacher student relationship, Chantelle was up early this morning she was up before Alfie and had decided to make breakfast for once to say thank you for everything and because she knew that today was a special day the day that she and Alfie no longer had to hide their feelings from the other students, " you know what today is don't you sir" Alfie looked up from his food and saw Chantelle with her elbow on the table and her head resting in her hand looking back at him with excitement in her eyes. " Yes but how do you think the others will take it", " well  I don't think they would react too different to how they usually do Stephen will thinks it's beautiful a forbidden love allowed to come out mitchell and Remm Dogg will have their usual snarky comments but sir they do like to see you happy even if they would never say it and Jing is one of my best friends so she would be happy to see me happy",  Alfie looked back at Chantelle happy to hear her opinion on how she thought the day was going to play out " you ready to go babe" Chantelle tinged at that word "yes let's go".

As they drove down to abbey grove Chantelle undid her seat belt prepared to get and walk the next 100m like they had done all year bud Alfie didn't pull over he kept driving down into the school car park  as they nervously exited the car waiting for a reaction from other staff and students but everyone just kept about their business like it was any other day but with all the festivities  of muck up day, Chantelle turned to see her friends walk through the gate and ran up to them " why were you getting in Sirs car babes", "oh I was walking down and he offered me a ride the rest of the way", " bit of fake taxi action then you slag", "why would I want to take your moms day job mitchell", they all laughed as they entered the class for their last day.

All enjoyed the final class wars there was no lesson or point behind it they all just wanted to enjoy their favourite thing about school with their favourite people it also gave the students a great chance to destroy the uniforms in the most fun way possible, the class had all signed each of the uniforms  before they had to go get ready for the final leaving prom.

The prom was a lot of fun Alfie and Chantelle could finally be close as they were no longer teacher and student but two people in a serous relationship although they still hadn't told the rest of the class as Alfie had made his mind up that he would have his own way of them coming out to their friends but it wasn't the time for that yet they just needed to enjoy one last night with their friends. The students of class k wanted to go back to the class one last time to say goodbye, Alfie knew that this would be the perfect time to announce the news " Chantelle could you stand up please I just want to see something about your dress" as he approached his now former student "don't you love it sir I chose it just so that you'd notice me", " yes it's beautiful" he said as he knelt to the ground in front of  her "sir what's going on" asked Chantelle a little flustered and confused, "something I've been waiting all year to do Chantelle Parsons through this whole year you've flirted with me and I've had to keep you at arms length and even when we started to date in secret we had to be careful when around others but now I can ask you this with no fear Chantelle parsons will you marry me", there was silence no one could talk they all just stayed there in stunned silence but words weren't needed  as Alfie returned to his feet he was met by possibly the greatest kiss the two of them had shared so far in their relationship followed by a simple "yes Alfie I will".  The two of them looked at the rest of the class with smiles on their face which were returned by the surrounding students, their friends accepted the relationship which was followed by a slow but increasingly louder and fast applause.

After all the students had left Chantelle was in the class alone with Alfie siting in his lap at his desk " so that went better then expected", " yes but I wish you had told me before you pulled that" Chantelle said still gleaming "yes but I wanted it to be a surprise for you", "well I was surprised it mostly I'm happy this happened I'm happy you proposed I'm happy I said yes and mostly happy that our friends accept us" she said with a kiss "so Chantelle where do you want to start our first holiday night as an engaged couple", "don't know sir how bout you surprise me" she said as they walked out the door of class k together for the last time ready to start their lives truly together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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