Royals of Recadency *

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*Sexual Content*

'Where is Camila?' Mike asked.

'She should be along soon. Now my friends I'd say you looked well but then again you always have' Sinu laughed and settled down beside her husband.

'You know I can always say the same for you' Clara complimented just as refreshments were being brought out.

'And Lauren, how are you? It's been a while since we last spoke'

'I'm-' Lauren was about to reply when she was interrupted by a loud slam. Two doors were forced open by a fast paced moving figure who they all recognised to be Camila, Sinu's eldest daughter and the next in line to rule over the Wolf Kingdom.

'She's tired of peace talks that don't work and aren't likely ever to work. Vampires and Werewolves simply do not get along with one another, you can't beat nature the same way you can't stop the seasons from changing; it's as simple as that but clearly I am the only one awake enough to see it' Camila spoke coldly and stopped just a foot short of everyone.

'Then what would you have us do Camila, go to war?' Alejandro snapped, and placed his cup and saucer back down onto the large dining room table.

'Believe it or not, it may actually do more good than any one of these peace talks we've had over the past few years. The death toll grows more and more, and yet here we are again, my patience can only stretch so thin and my tolerance can only be so wide' she continued, her eyes flittering over the faces she's come to know. She stops at Lauren and almost scoffs at her disapproving glare.

'And that is why you are not yet queen' Sinu rebutted and Camila dropped down into a chair.

'Yet' she whispered and folded her arms across her chest. 'You'll forgive me if I'm tired of burying my kind'

'You'll forgive us if we're tired of your kind needlessly attacking ours' Lauren scowled and slammed her fist down on the table.

'We wouldn't attack your kind if you bloodsuckers left well enough alone' she roared.

'We're supposed to be learning to live together!'

'Maybe that's a part of the problem!'

'Maybe you should stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about what's best for everybody!'

'I am doing what is best for my people!'

'When you should be thinking about what's best for our people!' she exclaimed and lurched up out of her chair and moving into Camila's personal space. Taylor swiftly moved out of her chair in case she was needed to stop any altercation with Chris close behind her; Camila looked about ready to hit someone when a soft hand wrapped around her fist. Sofi looked up at her with sad eyes and she knew violence wasn't going to solve this. You can fight fire with fire but wars are a never ending nightmare and the start of one only provides the means to start another until a continuous cycle is formed; ironically, much like this one.

'They will never be our people' Camila bit back venomously. 'So long as these 'talks' continue we will get nowhere and we will change nothing. Every day we get closer to the inevitable, if we want something to happen we need to turn words into action. We need to unite the people and drive them toward a similar goal, either to appease us or protect themselves'

'Actually Camila that is what we are here to talk about today' Clara spoke up and gestured for Sinu to join her in standing.

'You have a proposition?' the brunette questioned.

'We do' she nodded.


'Yes, your mother and I discussed it in private'

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