chapter 11

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         Celesties pov
I looked at the girl (y/n) (l/n) she looks like a rag doll but I wouldnt tell her that because she's not a ragdoll, we just sat there in silence, "so.... " I tried  to start the conversation "um I'm sorry i-i don't know what to talk about " The girl said "hey it's ok and I don't know what to talk about either " Celeste laughed Awkwardly , the girl laughed as well "anyways why are u wearing that old riped up maid outfit? " Celeste asked "uh well the red leader wanted i-i mean ordered me to " (Y/n) Studdered , "well were gonna change that style of yours" Celeste smiled brightly, (y/n) was kinda shocked but did not disagree "thank u " (Y/n) smiled sweetly , "ok let's get a move on " Celeste smiled "a-alright" You said smiling, Celeste went in her bag and picked out a outfit "ok I want you to try these on ok to see if they fit ok? " Celeste said "ok " You replied

 " I tried  to start the conversation "um I'm sorry i-i don't know what to talk about " The girl said "hey it's ok and I don't know what to talk about either " Celeste laughed Awkwardly , the girl laughed as well "anyways why are u wearing that ol...

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"Try this on" Celeste taked out the outfit, you tried it on and came out looking like a fashion model, Celeste looked at u and smiled "omg u look sooooo hot" Celeste squealed, you started to blush "t-thank you " You smiled , "your welcome but we have to show tord I'm sure he would blush when he sees u " Celeste smile got larger, you blushed a thousand tomatoes(an: 🤣🤣🤣 a thousand tomatoes ok ok i'll stop) "awww you should see your face right now" Celeste laughed , your face turned more red "hehehe ok i'll stop ok so let's go " Celeste dragged you over to red leader and smirked "hey red leader~~~" Celeste called he turned around

Red leaders pov
He turned around and looked at you and his eyes widened he blushed a hundred shades of red, you did too, Celeste smirked looking at the both of you "sooo what do u think red ? " Celeste smiled "i-i think she looks u-uhhh it's not that good but um well why did u change her maid outfit " Tord was mad but he was still blushing "uh you don't know how to treat a woman, she's has things in her life to do and u leave her in a room where she feels not treated what kind ofperson are u ohhhhh right I realise why now " Celeste said, the red leader looked at her very annoyed "and what's that? Celeste?" Red said "well because your the red leader you don't care if someone has Feelings or not do u and I bet you do care for yourself only " Celeste looked at him snarling "whatever I'm going back to my office don't disturb me ok and (y/n) " He turned to you "y-yeah? " You looked at him "you can keep that on you, you look really cute in it " He walked away blushing but smiling, you were shocked to hear him say that but at least u heard it from him.

??? Pov
He was  walking in his office waiting for his solider, he was also planning  on how he was going to kill his arch enemy red leader but he needed his friends to help him, " sir I have news for u " He looked at his soldier "what is it? " Red has captured a girl she's very nice and I think she could help us stop him " His solider looked at him  , he looked at his solider and smiles"good job Jason "

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