Chapter 4

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Tallulah's POV 16 Years Old:

"Lulu, come do this line!" Derrick calls to me while I dig a beer out of his buddy's fridge and crack it open like I paid for it. A good eighty percent of the drugs at this party came from my brother so I doubt anyone will say anything.

"Hang on!" I call back as I begin my way back out of the room, halting when I hear someone knock at the door.

"Shit! Don't answer that!" Comes the voice of my brother's buddy, Jesse.

Wasn't planning on it.

Jesse creeps into the kitchen, comically ducking as he goes through the room as quietly as he can as though someone can actually see past the tinfoil covering all his windows. As he gingerly peels back a corner of the crumpled foil to peek out, a deep voice booms in, "Jesse, you paranoid fuck! Open the damn door, I texted you ten minutes ago to tell you I'd be here!"

"Well, you never fucking know!" Jesse says, releasing the foil and reaching for the three locks on his door before opening it to reveal a pissed off looking Sean.

True to his word, Sean had begun hanging out with my brother more and more. In spite of the fact that I repeatedly voiced my disapproval, Derrick maintained that Sean was a 'cool guy' and a good friend to have. So, I made it a point to avoid being alone with him as often as possible and to speak to him only when necessary. More lately he had been making that difficult for me.

I had stumbled across a website that showed you how to cut up and tie old clothes to make them into different creations entirely. Given that I'd only ever had second hand clothes and hand-me-downs from my brothers, I decided to give it a shot. And boy did it pay off.

My wardrobe went from baggy old rags and t-shirts to fitted and ripped punk-rock looking halters and jeans. I learned how to make cool jewelry using old hardware like nuts and washers and I started watching videos on how to do my makeup. I was experimenting with different streaks of color in my hair; this month was fire-engine red. My figure was suddenly no longer hiding beneath layers of too-big clothes and I was actually getting attention from the opposite sex for the first time since puberty hit and was hidden by my brother's old band t-shirts. Sean definitely noticed.

Not gonna lie: I like the attention.

For months Sean had been watching me more closely, always seeming to be at the same parties as me even if my brother wasn't present. A few days after our little encounter in my room he had shown up with a small chain lock for the inside of my bedroom door, installing it without a word. After that, every time we moved he'd show up with a new one and put it in. Just like that.

Apparently that argument I saw with Melinda was the end of their little fling. I no longer saw him fucking around with one girl for more than a quick fuck. He didn't really appear to have a 'type'. Blonde, brunette, red-head, upper class, trailer trash, good girl, strung out junkie... he didn't care. They threw themselves at him and he fucked them. Then he'd get bored and send them away, usually after just a night. Like some weird catch and release program.

He never lied about it, though. Everyone knew what he was like and the girls getting involved with him were more than willing to take the chance. Girls just like to get laid, too, I guess. Either way, I acknowledged the strange sexual tension that had been building between us for about a year while also refusing to allow it an opportunity to turn into something more. I knew the sex would probably be good, but I wasn't sure it was a good idea to lose my virginity to the guy who did what he could to make my freshman year hellacious and who would most likely be fucking a new girl within a week.

"Paranoia will destroy ya," he says lightly to Jesse as he walks in and eyeballs me with that stupid sexy smirk of his.

"Lulu! C'mon, dude, if this shit had an expiration date we'd have to throw it out by now!" Comes Derrick's irritated voice.

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