Chapter Twenty One- Now or Never

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Hey everyone who has read this far, I have two things to say.
1. Thank you for reading my story, I really appreciate it.
2. This part may be a little graphic so read at your own risk

Adrien's eyes widened, could Alya have actually have figured out a way without hurting her? 

"I'll do it, I will do anything to save her at this point..." When Adrien heard those words come out of her mouth he almost passes out, He wouldn't even think about doing that. "Alya there is no way I would do that..." He listened to her reasons, and if he was being honest, it made a lot of sense, but it was still a huge risk that didn't know if he was willing to take. "Fine, I'll think about it, bye." 

He put his phone in his pocket and kept walking up the stairs, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that there wasn't many more options, but this could have a far worse fate in the end. He walked through Marinette's trap door to find her sewing what looked like a dress, he smiled, as he saw he drawing that design in the past. She almost gave it up, but he convinced her that she would look beautiful in it and that she should make it.

 "Adrien, what are you doing here, I thought you said you couldn't come over tonight." He brought up a chair and sat by her, admiring how much detail she put into the dress, "Alya said that you told her that you needed me to come over."

She scrunched her brows in confusion, which he thought was adorable, but this wasn't the time to think about that. "I never said anyth-" The rest of her sentence was never said, because she fell to the ground with tears in her eyes, Adrien was immediately at her side, worry evident in his eyes, this was the second time she had done  something like this, but it seemed stronger this time.

"Marinette?! What's wrong, can you hear me?" The tears that were in her eyes were now flowing freely down her cheeks, and onto the ground. "My h-head is killing m-me." 

'No no no, not again'  he thought, Lila knew, and he was paying for it. It was all a trick, Lila wanted him to come here so she had a reason to kill her, but of coarse, being Lila, she had to make it painful. He grabbed his phone and messaged Alya to be with Marinette because he needed to get somewhere. She responded right away, saying she  was on her way. He got up to her bed to go up through her trap door when he heard her call him name weakly.

"Adrien, p-please, do-don't leave me." Adrien sighed and landed on the floors next to her. He picked her up carefully, making sure not to hurt her more then she already was. "Alya will be here soon,  you don't need to worry, I won't be long." He tried to reassure her, not letting her see that he was just as scared as she was. 

"It's time we end this Marinette, I can't stand to see you like this anymore. Just trust me okay." She looked up at him, nodding. Marinette gave him a small "go". They heard a knock on the door signaling Alya was there, Cat Noir kissed Marinette once last time before jumping out her trap door, on his way to Lila's.

On his way there he was trying to come up with a way to grab the detonator without aggravating her or accidentally setting it off himself. He didn't really know how to brake it without setting it off, but he didn't have any more time to think about that, because he was there. This was it, time to enter the dragons den. He wasn't going to wait for her to open the door, because for all he knew, she could be on the other side of that door, getting ready to take him out.

So he just kicked the door down, not letting his guard down for a single moment, because she was smart enough to know what to do if he did. "Hey kitty cat, you come here as Cat Noir because you're too afraid to face me as yourself?" Cat Noir shook his head and took a step closer to Lila, which surprised her. "I'm not afraid of you Lila, not anymore. I will not be afraid of you, that's what you want. You had me wrapped around your finger, and for what, because you love me? Because you hate her? No, it's because you're a selfish person."

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