An Unfair Choice

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I'm in much higher spirits after my talk with Naegi last weekend. As much as I would've loved to spend this weekend with him too, duty calls. And by duty, I mean my father. Every other weekend I go back home to spend time with him, and it turns into a briefing of the current economic situation or how the stock market is fairing this month. I don't mind, though. It is my job to know these things after all. 

"Good afternoon, father," I greet him with a handshake in the foyer. 

"Likewise, Byakuya." He takes a seat and motions that I do the same. "I hope you've been uplifting the Togami name since I've last seen you."

I nod curtly. "Of course. How's the cooperation doing?"

He sighs and goes over the problems and nuances of the Togami Cooperation as we sip our tea. It's like this every visit. No How're you doing? or What's going on in school? It's all strictly business related. It's been like this my entire life. All I remember from my childhood is a blur of tutoring sessions and battles against siblings. I don't remember my mother at all, I don't even remember her name. She left once I was born, along with all the other women my father slept with. I don't care though. It's just the Togami way of life.

And I have accepted that.

"..all in all, I'd say it's been pretty successful." He finishes his rant with a sip of tea.

"I'm glad to hear it."

He carefully places his cup down and folds his arms, suddenly looking more serious than before. "So, you have three and a half months until your eighteenth birthday, and another two after that until you graduate school. Are you ready to lead the cooperation?"

He phrased it as a question, but there is only one appropriate response. "I am ready."

He nods and leans back. "Once you graduate, the tradition is on your head. I hope you have already been considering the successful women in our area." 

My blood curdles at the thought. "Actually, father, I have been too focused on my studies." And Naegi.

He chuckles a bit. "That's why you're the heir. I know you will be excellent at carrying the Togami name. In fact, I have arranged something for you." 

My fear grows along with my curiosity. I don't dare ask what it is. "Thank you, father."

"You know our good friends? The Ludenburgs?"

"Yes, father?"

He grins. "Their daughter is a great woman of power and money, same as you. We- that is, her parents and I-, have decided that you two would make a fine pairing."

What? Celestia? No. I cannot- Will not-

"Byakuya? What do you think?" He seems to sense my disapproval and is dropping his false cheery nature. 

"I'm grateful, father, but I must decline." I try to keep eye contact, but his pupils seem to bore holes through my head. 

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter. It would be a great asset to our image to have Ludenburg blood in our line." His voice has grown stern, and it's making me more angry.

I bury my head and mumble, "What if I don't want anyone's blood in our line?"

My father slowly stands up and takes a step closer to me. "What was that, son?"

"I said, what if I don't want to have kids? What if I want to find love and have something special instead of sleeping with countless women?" My voice slowly rises as I let everything out. My father is shocked at first, then fuming.

"So you want to live the commoner life? Have I never taught you anything? We don't get love in the Togami family. Everything we do is for power." He takes another step closer and I flinch instinctively. "Or have you already failed in that aspect? Is there someone you're longing for? Someone standing in the way of my cooperation's guaranteed success?"

I don't want to give any information away. Who know's what he'd do if he found out the truth? So I simply don't speak.

"Answer me, boy! Is this how I raised you? I don't remember raising a emotional weakling!" He takes a final step and slaps me across the cheek. I'm stunned. The last time he'd done that was many years ago when I refused to wear a tie to an event. How dare he?  My anger is at its limit.

"Yes, father, there is someone! Not that you'd understand, you have the emotional capacity of a brick!" Tears of pure anger rise to my eyes. "All you care about is the company! Well guess what? I can take care of the company and find love at the same time! Which is more than you could ever do. You'll never know the feeling of happiness when you see your partner, the comfort they bring to you in your darkest hours, the meaning he brings into your life!" The tears threaten to spill over as I realize I've said too much.

My father's voice comes out in a grave tone."He? Byakuya, you're not a fag, right?" he shakes his head. "No matter. I'll see to it that you will never defy me again. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I wince. Suddenly, he takes my phone out of my front pocket and goes back to his chair without a word. My mind screams curses that I dare not say out loud for fear of what might happen. So, I watch helplessly as he unlocks my phone and goes to my messages.

"Egg boy? No, that's your friend Makoto Naegi." He throws my phone at me and narrows his eyes in disapproval. "So it's true."

I can only nod.

"Very well. If you ever defy me again, I will see to it that he is expelled from Hope's Peak Academy." he speaks slowly to me, making sure I hear every word. "I expect progress between you and Ludenburg by the end of the week." He gets up and walks to the elevator, pushing a button. "You know what will happen if you don't"

And with that, he enters the elevator and disappears.

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