16- Dave meets Philip of Macedonia

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Author's Note:

Before I start the story I just wanted to say, First: I wanted to let you know that I updated the previous chapter (We meet the Kane's) because I might or might not have forgotten about Zia. And Second, Thank You for Reading! Other than that, 

Onto the story!

However, before we could actually set out on our 'adventure' we realized that Carter and Sadie needed to let their friends know that they were leaving.

"While we wait for the others would you like to eat? It must have been a long journey, since you came all the way from California," said Bast.

"The trip wasn't really that-" said T.J. stopping because Magnus nudged him hard.

"What he means is that I-" said Magnus.

"we" corrected Alex while interrupting him.

"We would love to eat!" continued Magnus giving Alex a half grateful half not so grateful look.

"Okay... let's go to the terrace then," said Carter.

When we reached the terrace I saw a table filled with a bunch of different types of food, a huge sitting table besides it, and a pool. 

Something was strange, because I though I saw something moving in the pool and sensed ripples moving across it, but I couldn't identify exactly what it was or if there really was something in there. I think Percy noticed/sensed it too, because he kept looking at it.

"Cool, you have a pool!" Dave said while heading towards it.

"Don't get too-"started saying Walt/Anubis.

"Wahhh!"screamed Dave as he leaned over it.

"-close," finished Walt/Anubis.

"W-why is there an croc in the pool!? And I'm not talking about the shoe kind!" asked Dave while moving away from the pool.

"That's Philip of Macedonia, he's a shabti," said Zia.

"A sha- what?" Percy and I said at the same time.

"Like brother, like sister," said Annabeth while rolling her eyes and smiling.

"A shabti, is an enchanted wax figure shaped mostly like a person or an animal. Since they are enchanted they can move and they basically do whatever the creator or owner tells them to. Philip here is basically our pet, he also protects us and the house whenever it is necessary," said Carter.

"Does he eat?" asked Piper a little concerned and stepping away from the pool.

"He doesn't really need to, but he likes bacon," said Zia.

Sadie walked over to the food table grabbed a bacon strip and tossed it over the pool. Philip leaped out of the pool, ate the bacon strip mid-air, and landed safely back in the pool.

We stared in shock.

"What about the monkey?" asked Halfborn taking some of our attention away from Philip.

"His name is Khufu, he is a baboon. He likes basketball. He basically eats anything that ends with an 'o' like cheerios, doritos, flamingos, etc. Well...that was until he discovered Jell-O, now he eats almost everything covered in it, he even told Walt once that it has healing properties. Similar to food, he likes anything that ends with an 'o' like one of our students, who's name is Cleo. He also seems to like Leo and Nico," explained Sadie. 

"The basketball thing explains the jersey. But...he eats...flamingos?" asked Sam.

"Yeah... we're used to it by now," said Carter.

Khufu didn't seem as cute to me, after that comment. 

As if to prove a point, Khufu grabbed Nico's hand dragging him over to the food table, grabbed a bowl of red Jell-O and handed another one to Nico.

"Um, Thanks?" said Nico.

"ohh o ah" said Khufu, which I had no idea what it meant.

Khufu then headed over to the sitting table and started eating his bowl of Jell-O. Leaving Nico, awkwardly, standing alone next to the food table with the bowl of Jell-O he had given him.

"Anyway..." Bast said taking our attention away from them. "You guys can take a seat and start eating while I wake up the others," said Bast.

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