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Y. Takashi's POV:


Wolfie!  Mutt!  Bitch!

"Eww!  Getaway!  Imma get fleas!"


"You!  A pro hero!  HA!"

"Gie!  Wake up!"

"You'll never be a pro!"

"The day they let a mutt be a pro is a day I turn into a villain!"


"Might as well just be a villain."

"With your quirk?!  No way are you gonna be a pro!"




"Gie you okay?!"

"Huh? Uh, oh ye-yeah," I woke up to Kyo shaking me. I don't know why but, I've been having nightmares lately. Some nights it's the same one, other nights its one that's completely different.

"Ya' sure?  Your heart was beating like crazy,"  As I looked at her, I could see tears starting to form in her eyes,  "You scared me for a moment."

"I'm sorry, Kyoka,"  I said as I wiped a tear from her cheek,  "Love ya'."

"Hm, that's gay,"  She said as she wrapped me in a hug.

"Well, no shit."

"Well, I hate to break up whatever this is but, you two have visitors."


"And besides, don't you have a girlfriend, Kyo?"

"Yeah but, wait what are you guys doing here?"

"What we can't visit?"

"Don't you two still have class?"

"Gie did you hit your head when Kyo fell or something? It's lunchtime!"

And as if my stomach had ears it growled.

"Heh, I guess that would explain why I'm so hungry, then."

"Hello, gentleman.  Here to visit your friends?"  

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