The Return

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Author's Note: Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for waiting this long for me to publish Volume 4. After going back and checking the works, I think its safe to say that there isn't anything too offensive. Well, offensive as in relating to recent events. Which is why I'm posting it now! Hope you enjoy and I apologize if its not as good as you expected. 

Despite the past events only happening barely a few moments ago. It seemed like months had gone by just from the tension the room was filled with. However, Henry's blatant racism was still looming.

?2: So do you just not care about what you say?

Phasco: Look, I apologize for Henry's actions. I think he just meant that because you are dressed similarly to White Guy, that you were his friends.

?1: It was still rude of him to- hold a second, did you just call him White Guy?

Phasco: Yeah, that's his name.

?3: No it's not.

Phasco: Hate to break it to you dude, but we've known this Caucasian fuck, LONGER than you would ever guess.

?2: Bitch, we practically own him, or did he not tell you that?

Stallion: Holy crap, White Guy's somebody's bitch?

?2: As much as I'd love that, sadly no.

?1: Were sort of his associates.

Henry: Like some multi racial movement group?

?2: Oh my God, no! Look, when we first made our group, he was the only white guy. So for some reason he thought that was his thing. Other than that, there is nothing about our ethnicity that is important!

Stallion: Hold on guys, I think I might know who these blowjobs are.

?3: Wow, calling us blowjobs, such a flattering way to talk to someone.

Stallion: BigFist, these were the people we saw on the walls!

BigFist: You think so?

Stallion: I'm certain of it.

?2: Did you find our temple? I thought you said the jungle would've made it impossible to find.

?1: That's what I thought would happen. Probably need to do another fertilizer bomb, just to be safe.

BigFist: You were the ones who did that?! I almost died like ten times!

The Sasquatch slammed his fists onto the floor and charged the three figures in a fit of rage. Though, ?2 extended out her arm. From the center of her palm, multiple wisps of ember began sparking out. Until reaching a point where it could come out in a full flame and torched BigFist's face. Causing him to shriek in utter pain and retreat back to the spot he was at.

?2: Don't test us, we are much more than humans.

Henry: Do as they say guys! She can probably make me into a rotisserie!

?1: Now give him to us!

Phasco: Sorry White Guy, but we have to comply with the scary fire lady- White Guy?

Their friend had gone missing. To where, they had no idea. He had remained silent for quite some time. Did he make some escape of some kind? Very different from his nature for sure. Everyone began looking around the area to see where he was. Then ?3 noticed sounds coming from deeper in the house. They all followed the sounds to the garage. Where they found White Guy impatiently trying to start the pink sports car.

WGEG: C'mon you son of a bitch, start- oh... hey guys. I was just warming up the car! Yeah.

?2: Really? Trying to escape again?

The infamous Trio: A Tale in which Stupidity is Abundant.Where stories live. Discover now