Chapter 3

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~~November 17th, 1944~~

   I stand at my nursing station sighing looking at the clock on the wall it says midnight, it's officially James and I's 3rd wedding anniversary and were spending it apart I mean we would see each other now and then sneaking off to a place to talk and make love but I want to see him all the time and be his damn wife but this god damn war is affecting it I miss him so much. "ma'am can I get water" one of the soldiers stated I smile at him and nod I grab a cup of water and walk it over to him and help him drink it. "mm thank you..ah hey so I was wondering if after I'm done healing we ah could go out on a date" I roll my eyes "no I'm sorry but I'm already somebody's gal, thank you anyways" I replied showing him my ring he nods sadly "hey doll are you gonna help me" I frown and turn around.

   its someone tall and buff holding up my husband as he limps over smiling at me I gasp placing the water down on the soldiers night stand and running over to them. "oh my god what happened" I asked helping the man carry him to an empty bed "someone captured his unit and tortured him" he sounds very familiar I shack my head. "oh bucky" I whispered, "thank you soldier" I stated nodding my head the man frowns "Elizabeth, it's me Steve" my eyes widen and gasp. "oh my god, how your so tall" I asked he snicker so does Bucky then groan clenching his side "have you not heard of this new guy called Captain America" I frown more thinking then my eyes widen again. "your Captain America" I asked he nods "ill tell you about it when I can, I got to go" he stated hugging me then walking away.

    I turn to Bucky who is gazing at me I smile putting my hand on my hip "what Sargent" I asked "nothing I'm just staring at my beautiful wife" I smile and blush. sitting next to his hip "happy anniversary, Darlin" Bucky stated "happy anniversary, sugar" I replied leaning forward and kissing him. the kiss becomes heated and Bucky yanks the cartons shutting "Bucky what about your wound and what if we get caught" I panted he grabs me and lays me underneath him "I'm fine and you'll just have to be quiet don't, ya" I giggle as he kisses me. I lay there next to Bucky " I missed you so much, Elizabeth" He stated I smile then frowning looking back at him, I hate doing this I just want this war to end.

   "I missed you too, James, I hate that we don't see each other as much as we want to" Bucky sighs and nods, crap I have to get back to work. "I have to get back to work" I commented getting up and putting on my nurse's outfit as Bucky watches me I smiled "do you have to" Bucky sighed I gave him a side smile and nodded walking over to him. kissing him hard passionately he puts the covers over him I walk out opening the cartons and going back to my job the whole time Bucky's eyes watch me. It has been weeks since Bucky left back to his station with Steve and I miss him already it got to the point where I get sick I can't stand to be away from him I mean I haven't been stuck here the girls and I would go out for drinks but it's not the same without him, I sigh and sit back into my chair staring into space biting my nails "Elizabeth".

    Steve's voice snaps me out of my thoughts I jolt up in my seat and look at him he's with a woman beside him I frown, she's very beautiful, she has chocolate brown eyes and hair body well fit and a nice bust make up well done with bright red lipstick wearing a black pencil skirt and a matching blouse. "Steve" I gasped getting up and running to him and hugging him "nothings happened to Bucky right," I asked frantically "no he's fine" he replied " thank god" I let go of him and looked at the woman. "oh ah this is Margret Carter" Steve stated nervously, the awe he likes her and she's agent Carter from shield Steve filled me in about what happened to him and who he met he was quite fond of this woman named agent Carter she so stunning then I expected. "agent carter" I nod shacking her ferm hand "Peggy please" she stated showing her British accent.

   I shyly smile and nod she smiles back "so ah what do you need, guys," I asked crossing my arms "ah Peggy here would with you to bring you with the soldiers including Buck and I so if one of us get hurt you can easily patch us up....that means you get to see Bucky" Steve replied my smile widens "really?" I asked they both nodded. i look at Peggy "you won't regret this" I stated hugging her realizing what I'm doing and instantly stopping blushing and clearing my throat "sorry" she smiles "it's okay, darling" she replied. Peggy and I share a room and have gotten really close like sisters close but tonight Steve Bucky Peggy and I are going down to the bar to celebrate defeating the enemies. Peggy put on a skin-tight red dress showing off her cleavage and carves, I think I know exactly who she showing it for. I'm wearing a black and white showing my carves as well with my hair down and wavy with no make-up.

   we get to the bar everyone stops what they're doing and stares at us I blush at all the attention Peggy walks through the bar I follow messy with my wedding ring. we get to Bucky and Steve they have their back to us I smirk and walk up to my husband leaning to his ear. "what is a handsome man like you, doing in a place like this" I seductively say "sorry I have a wi-, wow" Bucky turns to me. I smile sweetly at him he looks up and down at me "you look so beautiful, Darlin" he whispered I blush he stands grabbing the back of my head and waist and dips me over his knee kissing me hard and passionately. he sets me to my feet I jokingly fan myself Steve and Peggy are talking keeping eye contact with each other.

   I smile, wow they're doing what buck and I did when we met I've never seen it on the outside from us it's wonderful especially for Steve. Bucky wraps his arm around my waist "I have some new equipment Howard would like you to try" She stated confidently. "okay" Steve replied looking up and down at her "I see your top squad is prepping up for duty" she commented. "you don't like music?" Bucky asked sarcastically "oh I do, actually, I might even, when this is all over go dancing" Peggy replied keeping eye contact with Steve. "then what are we all waiting for" Bucky stated looking at me I smile, he can see what going on too, "the right partner" she replied "0800, Captain" she commented starting to walk away. she squeezes my forearm then leaves "yes ma'am, ill be there" Steve stated "I'm turning into you, it's a horrible dream" Bucky stated "but I like this you" I replied. going on my tippy toes and kissing his jawline, has he gotten taller.

~~~December 18th, 1944~~~

    We head to the mountains trying to catch the hydra train to pass so we can high jack it I gag as I feel nauseousness come over me, oh god I do not feel good today...oh god. I ran to the side of the mountain and throw up what I had for breakfast "Elizabeth, honey are you okay" I wipe my mouth and stand turning to him. "yeah it's probably something I ate" Bucky leans down and kisses my forehead "well you not warm so probably" I smile at him "so your gonna have to fight with us you know how to use a gun?" I nod "okay" I replied he hand me a gun. I hook it onto my belt and we walk over to Steve he is almost at the edge of the mountain looking at the zip line.

   "Remember I made you ride the cyclone at Coney island?" Bucky asked looking at the zip line as well "yeah and I throw up" Steve replied "this isn't payback is it" Bucky asked looking at Steve. "now why would I do that" Steve stated smirking I snicker remembering the memory "we were right, Dr. Zola is no the train hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle, where ever he's going, they must need him bad" Steve puts on his helmet and the other soldiers connect Bucky and i's lines together and clip us to the zip line. "let's get going because they're moving like the devil" one of the men stated "we only got a 10-second window" Steve stated looking at us "you miss that window, were bugs on a windshield" Steve commented "mind the gap" Bucky and I look at each other "better get movin', bugs" on of them stated "alright go!".

   We all move and land on the train Bucky unclips us in a hurry to take off the harness. we quickly move going down the ladder beside us and inside letting me in first then Bucky shutting the door behind us. I take out my gun at the ready resting it on Bucky's shoulder Steve goes on the other side of us we get to an entrance. Steve looks at us frowning he continues walking in we follow him but the shuts in front of us and Steve notices then one of the red skulls' minions comes out and Bucky starts shooting hiding me protectively. we hear shots on the other side of the door from Steve I aim my gun at the minion and shoot at it then hide again reloading. Steve blasts throw the door he nods at Bucky and I then run to one of the shelves knocking something off and onto the man knocking him out. 

  Bucky and I stand next to Steve looking at the unconscious man "i had him on the ropes" Bucky stated "I know you did" Steve stated "get down!" Steve yells covering us with the shield other one comes in and blasts us making us slam into the ground. I stand so does Bucky grabbing me and Steve's shield and covering us shooting at the minion. then it blasts us and blows a hole onto the side of the train bringing us with it Bucky and I hold on for dear life. "Bucky! Elizabeth!" Steve yelled climbing on the side of the train "hang on!" he yelled I cry out from fear "Bucky" I whimper Steve pulls out a hand "grab my hand!" I quickly grab it and he pulls me to his side. "Bucky grabs my hand" I yell Steve holds onto my waist making sure I don't fall Bucky tries to but the railing he's holding onto gives in and he falls down to his death hearing his screams. 

   "Noooo! B-Bucky!" I try to jump after him but Steve won't let go "let me go!" I cry out "no I'm not letting you, Elizabeth, I'm not losing you too, come on! L-lets go!" Steve drags me away from the gaping hole. where my soulmate has fallen from "Noo! Bucky!" I scream as he drags me away.                                            

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