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I'm amazed that I actually made it to the lecture on time today. I was convinced that somewhere along the line my shitty mental health would kick in and I'd end up wasting away in bed for the rest of the day, only moving when either I feel hungry or I start to hate the taste of my own mouth. However, I proved myself wrong. I never fail to amaze myself, huh. Anyway, so far I can't see anyone I know in this class which is a positive, means coming to this college was worth it after all.

So far I only know three people here. Well, I know two and I've been introduced to one. Lev, my roommate, is a veterinary science major so we don't have any lectures together. However, most of them are on at the same time so, unfortunately, we end up in the dorm together a lot at the time. Shibayama, who I apparently knew in high school, is an art major and his boyfriend Kuguri, who he introduced me to yesterday at orientation, is a physics major. So yeah, I don't share any lectures with them either. In theory, this is a perfect opportunity to make some new friends, hopefully stable and not emotionaly manipulative, but just by looking around the lecture hall I'm realising that everyone has already fucked off into their own cliques. I could try and introduce myself to them but, in all honesty, they don't look very welcoming. They seem like the kind of people who have known each other all their lives and share the same dream and are following it together. Man, it'd be great if I wasn't basically forced to cut off my lifelong friend. I wonder how Tadashi's doing right now... wait, no! I can't think about him! Now now, not ever! Because if I think about him for too long then I'll get stuck back in the mindset I was in back then and that's not where I want to be right at the start of college, no thank you.

And that's when the door opens again and someone else walks in. He's small and ginger and he has this dumb sparkle in his eyes. My heart drops. It's... it's him. What the hell is he doing here?! Why isn't he at a Miyagi college? He had his eyes on one of them, right? At least that's what I overheard. Why didn't he go there? Why does the damn kid, the damn emotionally manipulative kid, keep following me? He's like a curse or some shit! Why can't I get free?! I feel my stomach tie itself up in knots. What do I do? Should I leave? No, I can't leave because then he'll see me. He might not even know I'm here right now and if I leave now I'll have to walk past him and then he'll definitely know that I'm here. My best bet is just to sit here and hope to any god that I don't believe in that he doesn't see me.

I sink down in my seat slightly and try my best to just focus on... well, I was about to start focusing on the lecture but it hasn't even started yet. I don't know, maybe I can just focus on the wall or count the number of floorboards I can see, anything to distract myself. I'm looking around now, examining every crevice in the wall, but I can't get my attention away from him. My eyes keep drifting back to him, looking him up and down. Not in a checking him out way though, as if I would ever do that again, more in a making sure that it is definitely him way. Yeah, it's him alright. He's wearing a baggy grey hoodie right now, I swear I recognise it from somewhere... wait, is that not the hoodie that I lent him that one time? That little snake, why the fuck hasn't he given it back? Not like I want it back anymore anyway, it's contaminated with emotional manipulator germs now.

He's walking towards me now. Oh fuck, he's coming over! What does he want with me? Leave me alone you mosquito ass bitch! Wait, is he sitting next to me? Oh my god he's really sitting next to me like nothing happened. What is he thinking? Maybe he doesn't recognise me. No, he definitely recognises me. I really haven't changed that much since high school. Why is this happening to me?


Yes, I did recognise Tsukishima the moment I walked into the room. Yes, I am currently sitting next to him. This is probably a horrible idea, considering we haven't spoken in three years and we didn't exactly break up on good terms, but I didn't think about that when I did it and now it's way too late to back out.  Fuck, what do I do now? Talk to him? Wow, yeah, because talking to him would go so well. He'll probably just ignore me. This is not the situation I expected to be in when I woke up today considering that I didn't even know that he was at this college until now. I can't just sit here in silence for the whole two hours though, right? I mean, I could but it doesn't sound particularly appealing. "...Fancy seeing you here, Tsukishima." I flash him a brief smile.

"Hm..." He doesn't even respond with words, just a noise. I probably should've expected that he wouldn't want to talk to me.

Now we're both sat in silence, awkwardly looking away from each other. He's leaning on the wooden, like, table in front of us. I'm tugging at my fingers and humming to myself. This was a terrible idea. How long until the lecture starts now? I check the clock, we still have twenty minutes There's no way I can just sit here for twenty minutes and say nothing! "How come you chose this school then?" A simple question that only needs a simple response. It should be enough to start up a conversation though, right?

He's... side eyeing me now but his face is glaring. "I came here so I wouldn't have to see you or your band of backstabbing friends again." He stands up, gathering his things, and moves off to the other end of the row, sliding into a different free seat, one without another empty seat next to it. Great, now I can't even move next to him again. As if I couldn't mess this up any more then I already have...

Well, at least I'm hanging out with Lev and Shibayama today. They're coming over to my dorm later today so that we can catch up while I unpack. It's not like there's much to catch up on though; we all saw each other during our third year, both at nationals and at the various practice matches our school had together but we haven't spoken at all over the break so I'm sure we can make conversation about that! Maybe my roommate will be here today. It'd be nice to finally meet them! I'm beginning to zone out now. Let's just hope that the lecture starts soon...

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