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I honestly can not believe my fucking roommate right now. He knows that Hinata and I are on bad terms. He knows everything that happened; I know he does because he told me exactly what Hinata told him which wasn't too far from the truth but I still had to fill in the blanks sometimes. Anyway, apparently the fact that we're not on good terms doesn't matter because he only went and invited the bitch and his onion-headed roommate round for a study session with the additional perk of some alcohol. Why couldn't they do this at their dorm? Now I've actually got to join in and socialise because they're being loud and I can't focus on anything else, not while Hinata is in here.

So that's how I ended up in this situation - sitting around a table with one person I hate and two people I tolerate, drinking alcohol and studying. I'm drinking slowly actually, only taking a small sip every ten minutes or so. Hinata, on the other hand, is basically black out drunk already. For fuck's sake, I thought you were supposed to be studying. If you wanted to get drunk with your friends, go to a fucking bar. I can't say that to him though. I have to be nice to him for now because I still haven't got my fucking notes back. Kindaichi might have them by now, in which case I can go back to being rude, but I'm not risking it.

Lev and Kindaichi are both drinking at a steady pace, still faster than I am though. They're only slightly tipsy but they're still louder and more obnoxious than ever. Lev is looking into the vodka bottle now, staring right down the centre of it. "Aww man..." He sighs. "The bottle's empty..." Good, it just means that you won't get any more annoying and we can actually get some studying done.

Kindaichi shrugs. "We could always go and get more."

No, let's not go and get more. That's a recipe for disaster especially if Hinata gets his hands on it. I have to say something to stop them. Let's be real, I'm probably the only person with braincells in this room. "I think it's a bit late to be going out to buy more alcohol. It's dark and we're in the middle of Tokyo. Anything could happen. Whoever goes could be attacked or something." That'll deter them, right? It better fucking stop them.

"Good point..." Kindaichi runs his fingers through his hair, clearly deep in thought. "In that case, Lev and I will go together." Wait what, no! That wasn't part of the plan! "Seeing as you clearly don't want to go and Hinata is in no state to go anywhere, you can stay here together." Oh my god, I'm actually going to beat the fuck out of him next time we're alone together. Kindaichi, you better fucking pray for your ass.

I'm about to open my mouth to argue with him but they've already gone, leaving me and Hinata alone at the table. "Great..." I sigh, resting my palm in my cheek, my elbow on the table, and staring at the wall.

Hinata's looking at me. I can't see him right now, I'm not looking at him, but I can feel his eyes basically burning into me. "...Kei?..." His words are slurred but he still sounds sad. "...why are you ignoring me?...that's mean..." God, he sounds like a lost puppy when he's upset. It's both cute and infuriating at the same time. I stay in silence for a couple of minutes until he speaks again. "It's because of what I did, isn't it?...damn it Tsukki I said I was sorry!..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it Hinata." That wasn't supposed to come out as growly as it did but oh well, I don't feel bad.

"I know and I'm sorry!..." He sniffles slightly. Wait, is the bitch actually crying? Oh my god. He's not about to start playing the victim now is he. "I'm a bad person, I get it! I'm sorry! God damn it, I wish I actually died that day!"

My eyes widen slightly but I still don't look at him. "I think that's a bit far-"

"It's not far! If anything it's not far enough!" He needs to calm down. If he doesn't stop shouting, we're going to get noise complaints. "I feel awful about it! I'm a horrible person and I deserve to be dead! I never stopped feeling guilty for it and I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I still love you! I'm sorry I-" He passed out, slumped down against the table. The alcohol must've finally got to him.

I sigh. "Dumbass..." I can't just leave him here passed out, right? Again, I don't like the kid but it'd be best if he actually woke up in his own dorm. I pick him up, he's still as light as ever, and start walking back to his dorm. It's not actually that far away from mine, just down a couple of corridors on the floor below, so I'll probably get back before the other two are back with the alcohol. His words keep echoing in my head. He still loves me? Man, he stays hung up on things. That's probably why he kept my hoodie, thinking about it. He's wearing it right now and he was wearing it at the lecture yesterday and at the first one. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's worn it to all of them. Does he wear it all the time or is it just his go to hoodie? It has been pretty cold recently so it's probably the second option. Even though I hate him, the fact that he feels bad about what he did and, you know, that he actually apologised makes me feel somewhat better. Maybe he's actually changed... No, he hasn't changed at all. This is the kid who faked his own death to get me to date him. He admitted that he still loves me and I doubt anything else he said is genuine. Crazy little bitch... He is a cute crazy little bitch though. Even after all this time, I can't argue with that. Maybe one day he'll find someone who he can manipulate all he pleases but that person is not me.

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