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Believe it or not, I have been to a couple of house parties before now. Back in high school, me and my friends got invited to plenty of parties! Granted, it was mostly because we were friends with Kageyama who was kind of the local heart throb of our year who no one outside the group knew was completely 100% gay but you know what, I still had the experience of a house party and that's what matters! Still, that was in high school. What if there's a whole different, like, etiquette to college house parties? Oh god, this isn't good at all! What if I mess something up?

Deep breaths Shoyo... Come on, breathe in and out... You need to calm down. It's just a party. There's no need to stress or panic or anything, you're just here to have some fun. It'll be fine. Besides, you know the boyfriend of the guy who's throwing the party, at least you briefly knew him in high school. Plus, Lev invited me so I have an excuse to be here.

I wonder if Tsukishima was being serious when he said he was coming 'just to spite Lev'. Part of me really hopes he does because, as you already know because it's just common knowledge at this point, I still have the biggest gay crush on him. I know that the chances of him taking me back are pretty damn slim but still, it's nice spending time with him. However, the other part of me doesn't want him to come because the chances of me getting drunk and doing something stupid are high. Like, really high. Hopefully I'll be ok, whatever outcome happens.

"Hinata!" That sounds like Lev. I look around the area. The street that Shibayama's boyfriend's sister's house, god I need to learn his name, is on is actually pretty nice. The house is fairly big to. Is his sister, like, rich or something? Eh, it's not really my business.

I finally spot Lev among the crowd of people standing outside and wave to him. "Lev, hey!" I smile and walk over to him. We high five, something that I haven't done in a while actually. "Surprise, I actually showed up!"

He laughs. "Yeah, glad you did. Mind you, I'm more bothered about Tsukki not showing up, you know?" I nod in agreement. I'm also slightly bothered about him not showing up but not too bothered to the point that I'd be upset if he didn't come. "Oh, you remember Shibayama right?" I nod again. Of course I remember Shibayama! Granted we didn't talk much but we still shared each other's company during training camps. "Oh good, because we're staying with him tonight. Well, I am anyway. And I was kind of assuming you'd be sticking with me." He laughs nervously. "You're ok with that, right?"

I shrug. "That's fine. I was planning on sticking with you anyway. Plus, it'll be nice to see Shibayama again." Maybe I can meet his boyfriend as well so I can actually learn his damn name. I wonder what he's like. I bet he's really handsome, you'd have to be to end up with Shibayama. He doesn't exactly have the highest self-esteem but that doesn't mean he's not extremely good looking (in the most platonic way possible my heart belongs to Tsukki and Tsukki only for the record).

"Great!" He grins at me. "Let's go find him them." He walks into the house. I follow behind him, taking in my surroundings. There are people everywhere. The familiar smell of alcohol fills the room. Yeah, we're going to be doing a whole lot of drinking tonight I can already tell. There's nothing wrong with that though! What's a party without the alcohol? I keep following Lev through the house until he stops and waves to someone. "Shibayama! Over here!"

The guy, who I'm assuming is Shibayama, starts walking over to us. As he gets closer, I study his face. Yeah, it's basically the same face I remember him having. This is definitely Shibayama. Lev didn't wave to the wrong guy. All is well in the world. "Lev, hi." He smiles at Lev and then turns to me. "And Hinata, right? We met in high school."

I nod. "Yeah, it's Hinata." Shibayama definitely looks different to how he looked in high school. His hair is pretty much the same but he's got blue and green streaks in it now. It suits him. He's also got a couple of piercings; two in his lobe on both ears, his helix and an industrial on his right ear. His left nostril is pierced to. I never took Shibayama as the kind who wanted to get piercings but what do I know? People change. For all I know, he might've wanted to do this since high school but Nekoma's dress code stopped him from getting it done. "How've you been? I haven't seen you for a hot second."

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