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It was a special day, our very first anniversary

He asked me to be ready by five,he said he would come pick me

I took out my most beautiful dress, and did up my hair

It was all so beautiful, I could feel it in the air

A year had passed so quick, he was so perfect and lovely

I really felt so special, when  he chose to love me

I couldn't wait to be with him and get lost in the crowd

He was like magic ,he made me feel so proud

But later that evening ,he stood up on me

He said he was at work,he wouldn't get free

To be really honest I was mighty  shattered

But atleast he tried, that's what really mattered

I sat on the couch nibbling on the cake

I needed to get out ,for all heavens sake

I was so alone and really miserable

I felt so low and sad and very vulnerable

I had nowhere to go ,I dressed up anyway

I could go out for a drink , and drink the day away

I grabbed my purse and stroll to the city bar

I must be dreaming, I think I saw his car

I went inside and feeling a little too uneasy

How  could he be there , I must be really crazy

I really needed to hit myself  with a drink

I was really hurting, I was beginning to  sink

He said he was at work ,why would he lie

He was right there ,I think I could cry

He wasn't alone ,there was a girl there

He was rubbing her hand and playing with her hair

I was beginning to  see the end of  "us and we"

When he leant in and kissed her, just like he kissed me

I was watching my whole world fall apart

I could feel that sharp pain hitting in my heart

Our eyes met ,and he just watched me

I had nothing to say I walked away quietly

I was broken and shattered like a shiny glass piece

My life had already ended ,with that single kiss

Maybe I wasn't that pretty

Could be that, he didn't even love me

Maybe he thought he could do better

Or maybe he always was only a cheater.

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