rugged hearts

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I knew a girl who fell deeply  in love,

with a boy who loved her just  as much

She was beautiful for he knew ,even though he couldn't see

She couldn't hear ,but she believed his words were sweet  melody

She was all he ever wanted ,everything he would ever need

He was her dream come true ,he made her feel complete

She was his inseparable part ,his whole life and heart

He was her soul within, her truest desire, her purest sin

And they treasured their love more than dear life

They believed they were the richest in this cruel world of strife

For a love so pure and true is not found so often

A love that stands selfless, of no matter how and  when

Their love so beautiful made them stand tall

The scorns and jeers of others didn't matter at all

And so one fine day he asked her if she would be his bride

I will with all my heart ,with tears of joy she cried

He didn't gift her a fancy diamond ring

She didn't dance for him ,no love song did she sing

But they gave each other all their heart

They loved so hard to never break apart

But destiny isn't true to some , it leaves you shattered when the darkest comes

And so the same it did to them ,when death to take her away came

He lost everything he had to  the grave , his beloved lay behind that stone cave

He was shattered and broken , the only joy he had was now taken

He lived alone his empty life , till death would join him again with his dear wife

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