Chibi [Remake]

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Name: Mismo [in humam tongue translated his real name is impossible for anyone to say]

Nickname: chibi or chibs

Age: 1000 years [Ageless]

Race: ice and wind chibi

Occupation: king of ice and wind chibi's

Chibi is a cute and adorable being from a world that has no sex or anything lewd or dirty on it it's completely clean and innocent his world is full of all kinds of mythical beings and techno stuff unlike other fantasy world's

Shamens...voodoo flying chibi's ,earth chibi's,

it may seem scary when u meet some of the chibi's but there all nice and kind and and loving  of course they hate cussing and bad things so usually they may whack u in the head for being bad that's about it though chibi's are somewhat related to beans like Yamuimoo as such they act in a similar way except they love giving u hugs and kisses and want to be friends with everyone they meet they are of course living beside dragons bonded to them chibi has a ice dragon named draglon he calls him draggy though ...

Chibi is one of the 4 main kingdoms he is the wind and ice chibi a rare hybrid amongst his kind as such he is the leader of two factions the main ones are earth fire water and wind

But there's smaller factions around and they work together in harmony and they aren't the best fighters but from what Charlie has learned chibi is extremely strong he snapped Charlies spine with one strong hug as such chibi holds his strength back now so he doesn't hurt anyone but chibi may be strong but he lacks to skills to win a fight as a result of this he usually tries to stay away from mean people arrayed by innocent he is Pure innocence like u have never seen it and u see chibi is the only one able to bring u to his world due to unknown means and it's probably given the history of the world since in the past when Charlie had arrived to help out it was just horrible he shall death and destruction due to evil beings as such Charlie had freed them and had taught a few to fight  yet they still don't understand it Charlie has theorized  chibi is he was able to learn to fight at Charlies level and succeed he could potentially fight even beerus on his own

However chibi is but a child despite being several years old his mind is child like and he dislikes fighting as a result of this

There's one thing Charlie has told everyone who meets chibi don't make him cry

When chibi cries his power is unleashed in a torrent of wails icy winds after did a blizzard like aura chibi's crying starts to freeze everything around him like you are in a blizzard itself u start to finish get frozen over and attack by his cries alone however u can easily calm him down with hugs or a kiss to the forehead

But chibi is a bit odd at times wanting to cheer anyone up no matter who they are or try to be friends with anyone including bad people he tries to turn anyone he meets into a kind person it doesn't always work but he never gives up ...

Birth: Chibi's race was born as a bi product of merlows dna when merlow had children chibi's race was the only good one born from it as such they repopulate there own universe and is against there fathers evil...

Extra: the most durable and slowest of chibi's race is the earth chibi's they are bigger than most chibi's standing in at 5 meters tall not very big but big give there race they live along golems in his world in terms of durability its like this you can punch chibi flying and he will be fine you can punch these earth chibi's and they will not budge a bit and unlike most chibi's they will fight back being the bulk of chibi's world they stop fighting easily and help the world grow and well as being the gentle giants to break up.disagreements and arguments easily

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