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Name: savage

Age: unknown

Race: Primal Saiyan

Story: born on a world (earth) in a different time line with a different kind of humans tortured left in a dungeon/laboratory dna and various chemicals spliced in the creatures surrounding him bleeding starving dehydrated and left to die when his body would finally quit from the abuse and whipping from the pain of humans he became more savage and primal as time went on feasting on anything living that he could kill and eat rats...dogs....animals...and even humans...convicts...death sentence prisoners....other monsters ...other alien life ...put into cages with these animals bears....blood starved beasts and forced to slay and kill with his bare hands in a weakened state he killed and simple bid his time one day war broke out between humans giving him a chance to escape his hell but because of what they did to him he became the most brutal and savage saiyan to exist caring only about his next meal and fresh kill a monster created by humans and it lead to there total annihilation often depicted as a ssj4 with black fur and dark red eyes told throughout the time lines as the deadliest of all after many years of traveling in deep space for more food and fresh blood to be spilt he found the home world of the kais killing them one after the other and soon his Body adapted anything he killed he gained more power than anyone could imagine after killing a god of destruction he realized how much more there was after many years of killing he finally ended up at zenos palace slaughting everyone and now he sits there feasting and became a almighty god like entity he doesn't care about anyone or anything his real name is yet to be found ...he simple prefers the name savage...

Forms: ssj1-4 all god forms (no ultra instinct)

Attacks: he doesn't make up any attacks he prefers brutal power alone and rarely seems to care about pain

Weaknesses:? None have been found he's been cut and wounded but he shrugs it off he's even killed cumber and fu in his time line without much effort he's eaten majin buu a feat thought to be impossible and I mean literally eat he swallowed him whole and his body easily destroyed buu before he could regenerate

Abilites: adapt- his body has undergone multiple adaptations from his skin being tough as steel and able to coat himself in pure concentrated lava to harden and make armour of magma rock to his teeth sharpening to a pointed shark like teeth that he uses for eating and tearing into his opponents flesh adapting to any climate or obstacle is his most useful ability so far that's what we know he may have more we do know he doesn't hold back in battle he's slammed broly (canon) into the ground when he was at full power and savage wasn't even getting serious he's ko'd mui goku in his time line and jiren in less than a minute alone

He doesn't think when he fights he is pure savagery

But he only eats meat not plant life at all he's a carnivore

His body has adapted to grow fur in the winter and shed it in the summer

He barely talks unless he sees someone like himself...which is very rare ...often said to sound like a true primal saiyan

His tail alone killed golden frieza by cutting him in half because unlike others he learned how to make ki blades protrude from his tail so even his own tail is a weapon alone ...

His body adapts to his opponents as he fights

Truly...the most deadly saiyan to exist in history ...

Of course his alliance? He's neither good nor evil he's just doing this for himself

He doesn't care who u are evil or good...he will kill u...

Be wary...when u hear a deep's him....


I have given this oc to Fr3ckleface as I have no need of him or interested in him anymore and she clearly seems to like him so if u want to see savage anymore go to her I do look forward to how she will change him in light of everything

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