"Not a good guy..." (Part 5)

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(Y/N)'s POV

My mind was racing as I paced the school grounds. Stress was flowing through me. Negative thoughts started to manifest as I sat down pulling my knees close to my chest.

'Why did I accept?!' I questioned myself angry at my stupid behavior. I know I like Tsukishima... then why did I accept only to cause hurt.

My heart began to sting as I realized how I am going to hurt that boy because of my stupidity.

'I've always just been so lonley...' I think calming my breathe down as numbness starts to take control of my body.

I sigh getting up from my position and skipping practice. Walking slowly for a long while my self hatred started to flow in as the night appeared.

So selfish...

Your pathetic.

"Ugh I hate moments like this..."

I attempt to block out my negativity as I enter my house... but suddenly my main changed unexpectedly.

'I don't want to be alone...' Tears start to spur out of my eyes. Not out of pure sadness, but stress. Its the frustration.

I remove my hand from the doornob turning my back to my door as I put on a brave face.
'You've always wanted friends, but at these moments you block yourself off.' I think intensely avoiding every harmful word my mind could throw at me.

For some reason my tears flooded harder through my glistening eyes, as I began to ran through the neighborhood.
'I don't want to avoid Kuroo... I want to know what's going on in his life.'

I gasp for breath as I near Kuroo's door. I begin knocking panicking as my anxiety nears me.

'What if he doesn't want to talk?' I cry out in my mind. I hesitate as I remove my hand from knocking. I turn my back, but then I hear the door unlock.

I see Kuroo standing over me in shock. I stare at his face, in the moonlight his eyes shined a light brown.
He reached out his hand to my crying face but I turned away.

"I'm sorry... for bothering you..." I try to walk away but his arm grabs my waist as he pulled me closer and picked me up.

I nervously wipe my tears as I get wrapped in a blanket like a burrito and get placed on his couch.

"Kuroo—" I try to speak but he cuts me off with a "Shh..." I look over to him as he walked into the kitchen. Putting a pot on the stove as he warms some milk.

He brought it over to me as he patted me on the head. "Don't let your anxiety get to you..." he mutters to me as he sits besides me.

"We can talk once you feel up to it." He told me staring into my eyes.

"H-How did you know..." I ask turning away with my next sentence. "That I was dealing with it right now..." I mutter quietly as I took a sip of the warm milk.

"I'm your best friend..." He said putting his arm over my shoulder to bring me into a warm cuddle. I chuckle not finding that a real answer.

"Your lack of faith of me as your best friend is insulting!" He defended making a fake angry face to tease me.

"Don't get so worked up Kuroo... I'm just suprised at your accuracy." I laugh as we share a nice moment.
I look at him before we continue to silence.

"I should probably head back..." I say attempting to get out of the blanket burrito. He pulled me, still wrapped up into his arms.

"Kuroo... I can't stay I have something to do tomorrow..." I say cryptically unaware if I should tell him about the date.

"What do you have to do? Its the weekend..." He mutters nuzzling himself into the crook of my neck.
Deciding to be honest, I hesitated before I told him.

"I have... a date..." I say looking away ashamed for agreeing to it. I looked over to him as he backed up to look me in the eyes.

"With who?" He said looking quite serious now, I knew Kuroo was protective but he looked quite scary right now.

"Nakamura Haru..." I admit trying to figure out a way to not hate myself as I say his name. I look to Kuroo after a few seconds as I witness his eyebrows furrow as his eyes look full of hatred.

Kuroo's POV

"Nakamura Haru..." she says. As sudden as the words hit me I remembered who this guy was. My heart filled with hatred as I concentrated on my mind and the words he spoke to me about her.

Flashback to Middle School

"Did you see (Y/N)'s ass?" I hear a cocky voice speak to his equally as terrible friends. I immediately feel angry and disgust fill my body.

"Don't even get get my started on those boobs!" I turn around to see the boy licking his lips and acting a sexual motion while fantasizing her.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think your doing?"
I scream, hatred filling my eyes. I stomp over to them as I tower them intimidatingly. The rest of the boys coward except for the main boy.... Nakamura.

"You just want her all to yourself." He steps towards me as he continues. "I bet you get a kick around those busty tits." I immediately push him harshly onto the ground. As I step onto his shoulder as I press my foot harder dislocating it.

"I promise you Kuroo, I'll have that sex toy lying helplessly as I ruin her." He taunts.

"You sick fuck!!" I scream as I kick his face scraping it across the concrete. I could go further, I want to make him scare to even look at her.

End of Flashback

"Kuroo..?" (Y/N) speaks backing away from me in fear as I look down at my fist that my nails had cut through.

I come closer to her as I attempt to touch her face, but she slightly flinches. I groan in guilt.

"Im sorry (Y/N)... but he's not a good guy!!" I say as I get up to pace the room. She looked at me surprised as she bit her tongue to prevent herself from asking.


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