Sleepover (Part 10)

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(Y/N)'s POV

Tsukishima brought me home with him, my cheeks blushing red the entire time. He didn't drop me or let me walk myself the whole way.

He laid me down on his bed, as I looked around his room and admired all of his dinosaur collectibles. Including this adorable plush right next to his pillow. I started in awe.

"Did you catch a fever or something, your cheeks are pink" Tsukishima says with a smirk, I hid my face in response and he just sighed.

He walked over to be with a first aid kit, as he knelt in front of me he pulled out some rubbing alcohol and I shrieked.

"What, are you afraid?" He chuckled as I tried to squirm away but his hand held my thigh to him. I almost passed out at the touch.

"T-The scrapes aren't even that bad!!" I yelp tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. Everyone knows rubbing alcohol on cuts is horribly painful. It burns even afterwards. Don't try to deny the fact that it hurts.

"(Y/N), your bleeding. Please let me help you." Tsukishima now said, not with his usual annoyed or teasing facial expression. His eyes looked desperate, as if couldn't bear me getting hurt.

"Mhm..." I nod shutting my eyes tightly as I gripped onto his blanket. He sighed in relief as he cleaned the cuts gently. I felt a few stings but he may sure to thin the alcohol out with water, to lessen the pain immediately.

"There." The boy said as he put small dinosaur bandages on me. I chuckle as he moves to exit the room.

"What do you want for dinner?" He says blankly, as I stare dumbfounded. Had it already turned to dinner time? I take a look out his window, and somehow it's pitchblack.

"Oh... I didn't know it was this late." I say shyly, turning to Tsukishima who's eyes were locked on my face.

"You can stay over, It's a far walk. Even If I walked you, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving you alone. You live alone, don't you?"

I nod in response.

Kuroo might get lonely though, he stays the night a lot. Usually i'm there, and we watch a few movies before falling asleep. Maybe I should text him?

"My phone..." I mutter to Tsukishima. "I think it fell out of my pocket earlier." He snickers, as he burst into laughter about my stupidity.

"We can get it tomorrow, I'm gonna go make Udon for you. Wait here..." He says leaving me in his room, which smells like him.

He's so adorable...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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