"This isn't you" (Part 8)

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Tsukishima's POV

"I'm so sorry Tsukishima."

I stare at her as my heartbeat quickens. My eyes wide at her behavior. I sighed before gently pulling her into a strong hug. I sit there awkwardly holding her dependent body, she looks up at me in shock tears still running down her eyes before she hugs back.

Her tiny body leaned against me in a comfortable way as our bodies warm eachother. I ran my fingers through her silky (H/C) hair. My heart heats up as I hear her heart's melody.

I blush away but I feel her hand shift my face into perspective. I stare down at her glossy tinted slightly parted lips. Before she could turn away I grabbed her cheek and brought our faces closer together. Her cold breath hit my lips, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I brought my lips closer to hers as I slowly close my eyes, only a few millimeters away our lips brush by eachothers. Sending chills down my spine.

"Hey (Y/N)-Chan! Karasuno's looking for their number 11. Wanna help me look—" A boy froze as she immediately turns away from me.

'What a pain.' I thought getting up leaving a completely dumbfounded (Y/N) staring at me walking away.

I stop before leaving the room completely, I turn around to her as I give her a smirk.

"See you later munchkin."

(Y/N)'s POV

My heart shook at his words. My mind was racing at his actions. Blush devoured my face as I walked with Yaku back to the gym.

"Sooo..." I hear Yaku begin pestering me. "You guys were gonna kiss right?" He says staring inventively for my reaction. Blush rushed all over my face.

"I-I-I d-dunno!!" I stutter staring at Yaku for help.

"What do you mean." He says sighing as he pats me on the head. "It was pretty obvious he's into you."
I look at him cluelessly.

"D-D-Do... Y-You R-Really T-T—?" I stutter more making it painfully obvious I felt the same way.

"Yes I do think." Yaku laughs at my behavior before dragging my nervous ass to the gym. I take a seat on the bleachers as I stare at the players getting ready for the match.

My heart stops when I see Kuroo. He looks completely out of it right now. His eyes are pitch black and his mind is manifesting it's emotions.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before heading over to Kuroo. My heart felt dizzy as I tapped on his shoulder. He slowly turns and I'm met with those dark eyes which scare me so much.

"Kuroo..." I mutter avoiding eye contact in order to talk. "This isn't you." I join back in eye contact to see his eyes widen as tears roll down his face.

The entire team gasps at the sight of him crying. I walk into him, giving him a comforting hug as I pat his back. He clutches onto me as he catches his breath.

When we meet eyes again his aren't dark. I smile to him as I shove him back onto the court to play. I sit back onto the bleachers as I watch Nekoma get destroyed by Karasuno.

My eyes widen at the quick attack used by #10 and #9. I jot down very descriptive details about the attack before handing them to the coach at the end of the game.

Afterwards I walked home without Kuroo. I was still pretty disappointed at how he handled the situation with Tsukishima. Kuroo understood, so he let me.

It was a quiet walk, it was pretty weird without Kuroo. We'd usually walk home together everyday even when we didn't go to the same school.

When I got home I plugged in my phone as I headed towards the kitchen to enjoy some tea. Suddenly I heard a long line of messages popping in.

"Guess my phone's been off for a long time."  I chuckle as I scroll through all the messages. Mostly from Nekoma's group chat, everyone was super pissed.

Then I saw Tsukishima's. My heart beated a tiny bit faster at his message. I immediately clicked on it.

Tsukishima: "(Y/N)-San. Can we meet up sometime?"

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