Merry Christmas.

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-3 months later-

"EMS IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!" I was woken up by Antonia screaming and jumping on me.

"Mmm get off me" I mumbled pushing her off

"BITCH GET UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" Antonia yelled, once I heard the word Christmas I shot up and springed out off bed running to my dads room jumping on him to wake him up, once we were all up and sat down we began to open presents, Antonia bought me 4 pairs of fluffy socks, a neckless, a green day tshirt and another neckless what had 'friend' on it meaning she had the other neckless which had best on it, I got Antonia a bracket, some slippers which had cows on them and a tshirt which had one direction on it, she loves them. Antonia and I both shared the same gift to my dad and we bought him, a mug which said I <3 Antonia and Emily, some aftershave, deodorant and a new iPod so he could listen to his jam like Bon jovi and stuff!

"Now girls, I did get you something but I---"

"I WANNA SEE IT!!!!" I screamed like a little girl again, he chuckles and starting walking towards the door, he opened the door and stepped outside waiting on us coming outside, once we stepped out the doorway 2 new cars one red and one silver stood there!

"THEY'RE FOR US!!!!!" Antonia and I both screamed at the same time, we run up to my dad and thanked him and have him a huge hug

"I didn't know if you guys were going to move back to the UK so I wasn't sure if I should get you the cars but I thought I can always return them" dad smiled at us


"ME TOO" Antonia squealed

"Sam and Kian are coming over soon yay!" Antonia grinned, her and Kian had been getting quite close recently

"Ahh I can't wait to see Sam, I told him not to get me much so hopefully he stick to it!" I laughed

"Babe, he's crazy about you, and i wouldn't be surprised if he got you the world" Antonia laughed

"The world? Really" I rolled my eyes

After a while of messing around, dinner was ready and I was so hungry I could eat a horse.. Literally. Once we had ate we started getting ready for Sam and Kian to come over, I was dressed in a purple dress with black wedges on, I curled my dark brown hair and applied make up. The door bell rang and I instantly jumped up making me stumble because I was wearing heels, I finally made it to the door and took a deep breath and opened the door.. I jumped at the person to hug them to only find out it was the next door neighbour...oh awkward.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologised blushing

"Ahaha, well merry Christmas to you too" the man replied, laughing at my action

"Um haha, well merry Christmas to you too!" I laughed and he slowly walked away and I closed the door only to find someone else knocking, he must of wanted to speak to my dad or something, I opened the door once again.

"Oh sorry did you want too-- SAM!!!" I screamed hugging him tightly

"And Kian? Nice to see you too" Kian sniffed

"Kian baby nooo" I laughed giving him a hug too

"Come in" I giggled

Once we were all in the living room except my dad because he was out, we all sat down and started to trade presents, firstly kian gave his present to me, he got me a teddy saying 'I love kian' and a phone case saying 'Kian is hot' oh how kian like.

"Thanks Kiki" I smirked

"Anytimeeee" kian grinned

After a bit more of opening present It got to Sams present to me.

"Before you open this, I just want to say I love you and these past few months with you has really made me happy and couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than you, I mean absolutely every word when I call you beautiful, gorgeous and everything, I've fallen in love with you and you're perfect" Sam said a blush upon his cheeks. Awwwwee

"I love you too! I really do" I grinned before I leant over pressing my lips to his, during the kiss he smiled making me smile too.

"Here you go baby" he smiled giving me the present.

OMG.. I opened the present to find a ring with writing engraved saying 'I love you' I realised there was another thing in the box there was a sliver necklace that had a love heart with 'SP' engraved on that too. Tears filled my eyes, no boy had ever gotten me anything like this before.

"Sam I can't thank you enough! I love you I love you I love you" I cried out

"I'm glad you like it baby" he smiled

"Like it? I love it" I grinned putting on the necklace and ring

"I truly have the best boyfriend ever" I leaned in and kissed him softly before passionately kissing him back. Once everybody had swapped presents and had ate snacks watched a few Christmas films Antonia and Kian had left to go and sleep at Kian's because Sam was sleeping over and she didn't want to bug me even really it was just to get into Kian's bed;)

Once I was dressed In my Pjammas, I wiped my makeup off and brushed my hair staring at myself in the mirror, tonight was gonna be it.. I was gonna give everything to Sam it felt right. Once I felt ready I went back to my room to find Sam already in my bed staring at the photos on my wall.

"Sam what are you doing" I giggled, he jumped slightly not realising I was there

"I was just um-- looking at the photos" he smiled. I giggled switched of my main light only leaving the small light beside my bed on, I climbed into the bed where Sam was already laying.

"I'm ready Sam.." I smiled

"you are?" He said quietly

"Yeah, I love you and I will do anything for you" I said, smiling warmly at him, I saw his eyes look into mine for reassurance, when he saw the look of lust take over my face he leaned in and planted a loving kiss on my lips, as things got more heated I began to feel scared, I knew damn well this was going to hurt


And let me tell you now, it hurt like hell, but the pain did begin to ease as pleasure took over, now I'm glad we done this, because I know the next time we do this, it will be ten times better.

"I love you" he whispered into my hair, giving me a gentle kiss on the head.

"I love you too" I smiled, I started to slowly drift to sleep, I felt Sam whispering in my ear


"Mmmm?" I moaned in happiness

"Baby, I've always remembered you.." Sam whispered, his breathing increased obviously nervous of what i would respond with, for a second I was filled with shock but the happiness I was feeling overcame the shock. I lightly pressed my lips against his, smiling into his dark chocolate eyes, giving him a loving smile



Hey guys!!! He remembered her all this timeeee:) yeah so I'm going to write a sequel soon!!! Sorry I haven't wrote in a whole it was coming up to Christmas and I thought hmmm I should write a Christmas chapter!! So hope you guys liked it:3 I need ideas for the sequel so don't be scared to message me! It's nearly new year to yayayayayay! Hope you had a happy new year! I will update soon telling you guys about what's happening with the sequel and stuff! Loveyous!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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