Second Hand

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Head of firm, that's what she is, and she's more than proud to say it. It's impressive, and she knows it. After all, a woman, under the age of 30, being one of the main partners in a law firm? It's quite unheard of.

She and her husband, Hal Cooper are considered the golden couple of Riverdale, both incredibly successful and well respected.

Everyone envied them, envied their perfect seeming relationship, their job, their homes, their poised appearances. The epitome of golden couple.

"Honey? Where's my tie?" Hal calls from upstairs.

Alice rolls her eyes, she's sure her husband would lose his head if it wasn't attached to his body. "Down here, I told you that last night."

"Right," he hurries down the stairs and gives Alice a shy smile when he sees the requested tie in her hand. "Thank you."

She flashes him a smile and goes back to her task of preparing him coffee to go. "I'm going to start leaving you sticky notes so you remember where you put things."

"What would I do without you?"

She smirks, twisting the lid onto the thermos in her hand and walking over to Hal, straightening his tie. "Probably die."

He chuckles. "Probably." He brushes his lips against hers softly.

"I'll see you tonight, have a good day, give em' hell."

"It's what I do best."


It's a busy day for her, she's behind on paperwork and stressed about it, (not that she would admit it if anyone asked), so the last thing she wants to do is chit-chat with anyone. It seems she doesn't exactly have a choice when someone knocks on her office door.

"Come in." Alice regretfully responds not taking her eyes off the paperwork in front of her.

"Sorry to bother you." Her boss starts.

She waves him off. "Just get on with it, I'm behind."

"Well perhaps what I have to say is a good thing then. We have a new hire."

"And? How is this relevant news to me?"

"You said you're behind in work, so maybe he could help."

She scoffs. "I doubt it, everyone hired here is practically useless."

"Not this one, I was very careful hiring, I needed someone perfect, and he is. Now please, come meet him."

"Fine." She drops her pen and takes off her glasses, giving her boss a look of contempt as she follows him out. "But if that paperwork doesn't get finished, I don't want to hear a word about it."

He walks down the hall to an office that was vacant just yesterday, and is now filled with boxes and a tall, visibly buff, man Alice has never seen before. "Mr Jones?"

The mysterious man turns around at the mention of his name. He's attractive, dark hair, dark eyes, and a well trimmed beard covering the lower half of his face. "Ah, Mr Kinsley, hi." His voice is attractive too, deep and clear, one that would melt even the coldest of hearts.

"I just wanted to come by and personally welcome you to River, Dale and Co." He gestures to Alice beside him. "And to introduce you to Alice Smith-Cooper."

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