Dancing in the Dark

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"So do we have anything on the agenda for today?" Alice asks FP as she flops down on his bed. She had walked over to his room after changing out of her work attire and into more Bali friendly clothing. "After being stuck in meetings pretty much all day yesterday, we better be doing something fun."

It's true, the meetings had run later than usual yesterday, and while the past days they had managed to be out by early afternoon, yesterday they had gotten out around five o'clock, the majority of the day being gone.

"Well I might possibly have an idea, but I don't know if you'd be on board with it." FP responds.

She perches herself up on her elbows, looking over at him with a quirked eyebrow. "Try me."

"I was thinking maybe we could go on a hike, but I didn't know if you liked hiking or not."

"I love hiking!" Alice answers enthusiastically. "Whenever Hal and I go on vacation I always try to go on a hike at least once."

"Take it he's not a big fan?"

She shrugs. "He doesn't hate it, but he's more of a sit on the beach and read a book kind of guy."

FP opens his mouth to say something but decides against it, changing his words. "Well that's nice too, I mean that's what a vacation is for, relaxing." What he really wanted to say was that her husband sounds like a bore, but that didn't seem to friendly, even if it is true.

"I suppose, but I'm a sucker for sightseeing. Which is why, even if I didn't like hiking, I'd be tagging along. I want to soak up as much of this beautiful place as I can."

He smiles. "Well we've still got another four days to soak it up."

"And you're not getting rid of me the whole time." She teases, figuring it's something he'd be annoyed with, but little did she know he wouldn't want it any other way.

He hadn't expected to see as much of her on this trip as he has. Sure, he knew they'd see each other occasionally, at meetings and maybe a dinner, but he hadn't expected to spend every waking moment with her. He's not complaining by any means though, he loves having her around.


"You do still know where we're going, right?" Alice questions as she trails behind him. "Because as beautiful as it is, I'd rather not get lost."

He chuckles, slowing down just a bit so he can walk side by side with her. "Yes, I know where we're going."

She gives him a skeptical look. "Alright, I'll take your word for it."

"I promise, the long walk will be worth it."

"It better be." She teases, nudging him with her elbow.


After what feels like another hour of walking, FP finally announces that they're almost at their destination, much to Alice's delight. As much as she loves taking in the surroundings, she's far too eager to know where FP was planning on taking them. He had insisted on keeping it a surprise.

It's a surprise that pays off well as both their eyes light up at the sight of a beautiful waterfall, the water cascading into a lagoon so blue and clear Alice is sure it's sparkling.

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