Fool's Gold

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He really thought he had dreamed it, every single moment. Every touch, every kiss, every whisper of his name from her lips. He thought it was all some sweet dream and he would wake up only to be alone and disappointed.

But when the sunlight starts to brighten the room, and FP awakes, he immediately feels someone else's legs tangled in the sheets with his. And when he forces an eye open he finds the woman who's been a starring role in his dreams for a while now, right there beside him. 

She has her back to him, the sheets messy and slung lazily around her waist. He stares for a moment, at the soft, unblemished skin of her back, golden from the sun, looks at the freckles that climb her spine. Stares at the beautiful mess of blonde curls atop her head, tangled from his hands in it the night before.

He shuffles closer to her, slowly, and presses a gentle kiss to her shoulder. She hums softly as he strokes her side, slowly bringing her out of her sleep state. "Morning sleeping beauty." He presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth as it curls into a smile.

"Good morning." Her sleep filled voice whispers, as she pulls on his hand to wrap it tighter around her. He presses himself flush against her back, cuddling her close to him and peppering any inch of skin he can with kisses. "I thought I dreamed this." Alice admits.

He chuckles softly. "So did I." She shifts in his arms to lie on her back, staring up at him with sparkling blue eyes. "But this, you, are so much better than any dream I've ever had."

"I'll say." She smiles wide, and tilts her face up to kiss him softly.


FP's hand had been practically glued to her thigh the entire meeting, not in an effort to creep under her skirt, or tease her, just to touch her, feel the softness of her skin under his palm. It's not presumptuous or sexual, it's intimate and sweet, and it's something she finds herself fighting a smile because of.

"I think we're done for the day." Mr Ginting announces. "And I think, we've come to a decision."

"You have?" Alice's eyes gleam hopefully.

"We would love to become a bigger partner with the firm. If you don't mind waiting, we can go print the document now for all of us to sign, and then we can call it a day."

"Yes of course, we're happy to wait. Thank you!" The man nods his head, offering Alice a smile before he and one of his associates walk out of the room. "Did you hear that?" Alice squeals quietly, so not to disturb any of the other soon to be partners sitting at the table with them.

"Kinsley is gonna be stoked we closed the deal so quick."

"And it means we'll be able to soak up every last bit of this vacation together." Alice purrs.

He smirks, twining his fingers with hers. "And I'm gonna make it worth our while."


"You kinda suck at this." Alice teases as she watches FP pull himself back up onto the paddle board.

"Hey now, I'm trying my best, we can't all be as talented as you are." He teases back, winking at her as he slowly raises to a standing position on the board.

It was her idea to go paddle-boarding and FP was more than excited to agree to it, even though he had never been the best balanced person. He had fallen off almost immediately, earning a concerned gasp from Alice, who immediately made sure he was okay. After about the 4th time he fell off, her concern turned into laughing, and he would shoot her a teasing glare as he pulled himself back up.

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