Chapter Five: Hobo Spider-Man

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(I'm finally back. I'm sorry about the wait. I also realized I forgot the first Spider-Man intro so I might add that later )

'Alright people let's do this one last time. My name is Peter B Parker.' I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last twenty two years, I thought I was the one and only, Spider-Man'

Peter sits on the top of a metal bear head on a building, reading a newspaper and drinking his coffee.

'I saved the city'

People cheer as Spider-Man ties up a villain after a fight.

'I fell in love, got married'

Peter hangs upside down with the bottom half of his mask rolled up, as he kisses Mary Jane. A couple years later, the two stand at an altar on the day of their wedding.

'Saved the city some more. Maybe a little too much.'

Small flashbacks of Peter saving the city appear.

'My marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices'

Peter sits on his side of the bed, while Mary Jane lays with her back to him. Later while watching tv peter signs up for a restaurant. (i don't know what he did)

'Don't invest in a spider-themed restaurant'

Peter stands in front of a restaurant that was closed down with a sad look on his face.

'Then like 15 years past. Blah blah blah. Super boring. Broke my back.'

Another quick flashback happens before you see Peter fall and break his back.

'A drone fly in my face....I buried Aunt May'

On his morning patrol a drone flies into Peter's face making him fall. Peter stands all alone in front of a grave with white flowers.

'My wife and I...split up.'

Peter sighs divorce papers before taking his belongings to his new apartment.

'But I handled it like a champ'

Peter sits in his shower, in his Spider-Man suit, crying while the water falls on him.

'Cause you know what, no matter how many times I get hit, I always get back up'

Peter lays in his bed with his face in a pillow before turning when his phone rings. Instead of answering he just turns back the other way.

'I had a lot of time to reflect and work on myself. Did you know that seahorses they mate for life.'

Peter sits on his bed as he watches with wide eyes a seahorse documentary on tv.

'She wanted kids and....and it scared me. I'm pretty sure I broke her heart.'

Peter sits on top of a building, calling Mary Jane, before deciding not too and hanging up.

'Flash-forward, I'm in my apartment , doing push-ups....doing ab crunches, getting stronger....when this weird thing happened.'

Peter lays on his bed eating pizza, when out of nowhere, a black circle starts to appear on his ceiling,

'And I gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot. But this was really weird.'

Suddenly the black hole gets bigger. Things start to float, as Peter is sucked into the hole. He then later is shot down onto the street before bouncing up and sliding against a billboard.

'You see, I was in New-York, but things were different. Also, I was dead. And blond.'

Peter stands on a roof as he looks at the news, covering Spider-Man's death.

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