Chapter Eleven: Last Last Time

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( " double parentheses is Miles ' one is you)

"Okay let's do this one last time,yeah?"

'For real this time. This is it.'

"My name is Miles Morales."

'And my name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n).'

Miles and (Y/n) quickly shot up onto a crane before running down it. As they reach the end, they jump down towards the city.

"We were bitten by a radioactive spider, and for like two days, I've been the one and only Spider-Man."

'And I've been the only Sicarius. I think you know the rest'

Miles and (Y/n) sat in their class sharing a desk. Miles then raises his hand to answer a question.

" I finished my essay."

Miles is handed back his easy, which only has his sketch on it. He receives a 100% making him turn to (Y/n). she just smiles at him before giving him a thumbs up.

'We saved a bunch of people.'

(Y/n) and Miles swing in front of Visions academy before Miles jumps on a cab.

'Got hit by a drone.'

As Miles lifts himself up, a drone flies right into his head knocking him over. (Y/n) swings towards him before having to sit on the ground next to him from laughing too much.

"Did this with my dad."

Miles and his dad stand in front of a mural of Aaron. (Y/n) quickly catches their attention making them both turn.

"Smile!" She said as she lifted her camera.

"Meet my roommate finally."

Miles lowered himself with his web behind Genke. Genke turned shocked before a smile spread on his face. Miles then stretched out his hand and the two fist pumped.

'I went on a date.'

(Y/n) and Miles sat atop of a tall building eating burgers from their new favorite place. They laughed and joked around while watching the nightlife of New York below them. Miles then stood up making (Y/n) turn to him.

"Are we leaving?"(Y/n) asked before Miles sat behind her.

"Nope. Just wanted to hug my novia (girlfriend.)" Miles said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and laide his head on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"We should do this more often." (Y/n) said as she moved her head to look at Miles.

"Yeah. We should." Miles responded before placing a soft kiss to her lips. The two stayed like that for a while before Miles escorted (Y/n) home.

"That was fun"

"I slapped a sticker where my dad's never going to find it."

Miles slapped a sticker that said Spider-Man on the side of a lion head on a building.

"And when we feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through..."

Peni smiles as she gets her father's robot to slowly turn on. Meanwhile Spider-Noir finally solved the rubix cube. Porker walks past a restaurant eating a hot dog.  Gwen smiles as she looks at the picture
(Y/n) took on her phone.

'We remember our friends who get it.'

Peter shoots a web at a doorbell. He's wearing a suit and holding flowers as he waits for someone to open the door. The door finally opened to reveal MJ. She smiles softly one she sees Peter.

"We never thought we'd be able to do any of this stuff. But we can."

Miles and (Y/n) swing through the Brooklyn Bridge before landing on top. The two then look forward to the city that they love. (Y/n) quickly pulls her mask and Miles's mask up. She plants a quick kiss on his lips before laughing and jumping off the bridge. Miles stands stunned before following her.

'Anyone can wear the mask.'

The two spiders flip and swing around the city.

'You can wear the mask.'

Miles and (Y/n) catch up to the subway before using it to shoot themselves forwards.

"If you didn't know, I hope you do now."

"Cause I'm Spider-Man"

'And I'm Sicarius'

Miles lays on his bed with his headphones on. Suddenly he feels a weight on his chest and (Y/n) becomes visible. Both of them just snuggle together peacefully.

"And we're not the only ones."

'Not by a long shot.'

A portal then starts to open over the two. A voice then calls out to them.

"Guys. Guys! You got a minute?"Gwen asked the two.

The two smile at her and talk for a while before the portal disappears.

The two smile at her and talk for a while before the portal disappears

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