Chapter Ten: Going Home

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{longest chapter hope you enjoy}

The Spider gang all walk off a bus before swinging up onto a large crane. Peni then uses her robot to shine a red light on Fisk Tower.

"Kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below,"Peni explained.

"Didn't count on having an audience." Spider-Noir said, as the group looked at the mob of fans, paparazzi, and celebrities in front of the building.

The spiders swing over everything, before landing on the glass roof of the building. The look to see a room full of people and a dinner to honor Spider-Man.

"You've got to be kidding me." all the spiders exclaimed in disbelief.

"Thank you. It's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-Man. He and I were very close."Kingpin said over a microphone.

"What a pig." Gwen said before Porker looked at her.

"I'm right here." Porker said. Spider-Noir then notices something.

"Hold on. Get a load of how the waiters are dressed." Spider-Noir points out. All the waiters are in formal wear but with spider-man masks on.

"It's in poor taste, can't be that easy." Spider-Noir said. The spider gang walk through the room in their spider suits and ties pushing a cart. Except it's not a cart, it's just Peni with a cloth over her robot.

"It's that easy." Spider-Noir said, not really believing it worked.

"I just want to thank Mary Jane Parker for being her this evening." Kingpin said, catching Peter's attention.

"MJ?" he asked as he spotted a familiar redheaded woman. MJ then stands up from her set and walks away. Gwen waves her hand in front of Peter before pulling him away.

"Pay attention. It's not your MJ." Gwen explained.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Peter said as he pushed the robot table in the direction that MJ was going in.

"It'll take one second. Let me just--oh."Peter said as he crashed into MJ.

"Hello."MJ said.

"I just wondered if we could have some more bread at table 12." MJ said

"Yeah." Peter said, still in shock from seeing her. Behind him Gwen just facepalms.

"I'm, just uh...I'm really sorry."Peter said.

"Oh! Don't be sorry. It's just bread." MJ said with a small laugh.

"I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I didn't even try." Peter said, as MJ awkwardly nodded her head.

"That's fine. You know, I should really get going." MJ said awkwardly.

"I know I could do better if I just had another chance to give you, uh...the bread that you deserve." Peter said. Before he can say more Gwen interferes.

"Ma'am we'll take care of that bread right now." Gwen interrupted.

"Well, it's been nice, uh, talking to you." MJ said awkwardly before walking away. Gwen then pulled Peter away.

"Are you alright,man?" Gwen asked while patting his back.

"Yeah, totally." Peter said as they walked away. Suddenly all the tables started to shake lightly. Underground right under the building, Doc fixed some last problems before starting the collider.

Two men hold a door open for Kingpin before closing it and standing guard. Suddenly webs pull the men uop as the spiders cover their mouths and tie them up. They enter the room and knock the elevator door off before jumping down.

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