"I hate babies"

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Imagine having literally the weirdest year ever. That's pretty much this story in a nutshell.

Hi, I'm Lorey, I'm nineteen, and everything seems to go wrong for me. I live in an apartment with my four, (yes, four), friends.

Elisa keeps the apartment clean, bless the Lord. I feel bad for introducing her as our maid, but we clean too, I swear. She works as an intern for Eaton, while getting her two-year in Engineering.

Jack's a wild card sometimes. Comes from a seemingly normal family, and is our designated CodeMaster, and CODMaster. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him all day, probably shoved away in his bedroom playing Mario Kart with Andy. I'm also convinced he can cook like Ramsay, but I've yet to see it.

Speaking of Andy, he's our resident boomer, the oldest of the bunch at a whopping twenty-two. His smile, fluffy hair, and dad jokes always brighten your day.

Karissa's the mom, no doubt about it. She's suffered quite a bit in her life, but continues to prove her strength.

Everyone's special, and I'm just, I'm just here. My only defining traits are ginger-ness, being tall, and convincing myself I'm actually insane.

Getting back on track, nothing has changed much while most of the world was at a century long stand-still. The only defining difference is enhanced nuclear energy, which is a damn big achievement if you ask me. The government still won't tell the public what it's enhanced with, per say, not surprising. It's relatively safe around humans, but everyone reacts differently. Like, there was this stout man, a politician I think, who came in skin contact with the stuff, and he just disappeared the next day. Jack's convinced he turned into some mutant, like a Marvel hero or something, but I prefer DC so I didn't listen anyway.

"What do you want for dinner?" Karissa seemed exhausted. She pulled her highlighted hair back in a pony when Jack and Lorey walked through the door.

"Hm?" Jack replied. He didn't really hear the question, only that Karissa said something. He hung up his keys and his coat, kicked off his shoes, and plopped onto the couch. Lorey quickly followed suit.

"We haven't eaten out in forever," Lorey suggested. "I know it's expensive, but Jack and I have been working overtime constantly. Plus we don't have to go somewhere expensive! I just kinda get tired of cooking sometimes and I-" she was cut off by a pull onto the couch and a long, tired sigh.

Karissa's face suddenly lit up with an idea, "we could do what we used to," she said "get takeout and eat it by the car."

"Sounds good'ta me," Jack mumbled, "as long as I don't have to drive." By the sleepy glaze hovering over his hazel eyes, you could tell he was tired. He worked at a large cyber security company, programming, and had been working overtime for quite a while.

Lorey and Jack slipped on their shoes, and Elisa disappeared to find Andy. She snaked down the hall, only to find him glued to his phone.

Andy looked up, startled, "what," Andy slid his phone into his back pocket, got up, and left with Elisa.

"Who's driving?" Lorey looked around, and grabbed the keys off of the wall hook.

"No no no, you are not driving." Elisa looked at Lorey like she grew a second head.

"What do you mean I'm not driving, I can drive."

"Remember what happened, last time?" Jack turned his head as he spoke, eyebrow lifting.

"This isn't like last time, unlike you I'm not exhausted."

"You've still been working all day, and you're a shit driver to begin with," a smile peeped over his face.

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