I love you

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Elliot's POV
  After me and liv's conversation this morning I know she can't handle being at work today. Liv has fallen back asleep I get out of bed check the time and call Cragen  He answers and says "Captain Cragen what's up" I say "Captain me and liv need today off" whispering so I don't wake liv. He responded saying "Why is everything okay" Before I responded I try to come up with an excuse because I never want to violate liv's privacy or make her feel as though she can't trust me. I answer back saying "yea liv's caught the flu and I don't feel comfortable with her being alone. So can we have the day?" Cragen replies "Uh yea Elliot tell liv get better but Elliot if I need you i won't be hesitant to call okay?" 
"Yes sir" I reply back and hang up. I peek my head back into the room to see liv still sleeping peacefully, I walk into the kitchen looking for what I can make her, when I find that their is not much breakfast material at home I write a note saying "liv I stepped out to get us some breakfast call me if you need anything or if somethings wrong. Also remember I'm with you through all of this.
Love Elliot" With that I leave and head out to get some breakfast.

Olivia's POV
  I wake up to see that Elliot's gone, I get up and check the living room their is no sign of him. I check the kitchen and find a note telling me he went to get breakfast and that he is here for me no matter what. Reading that makes my heart flutter he doesn't understand how much it means that he is here for me. I go sit on the couch and as I sit my thoughts start to swarm my mind, all I can think about is what I've lost and what I could've had. I sit and cry until I hear the door slam I turn around the tears still streaming down my face to see Elliot coming in with bags. I try to hide my tears but they just kept coming Elliot says "oh hey your awake now" I don't respond as I'm trying to keep my crying under control, he walks over to and sees me crying he sits down and pulls me into his arms. He tries to console me the best he can I hear him saying "I'm here for you" "I've got you always" I look up at him and unexpectedly see him crying as well. I say "I'm sorry" our eyes meet and he says "for what liv?"
I reply "for being a burden, for you having to coddle me"  At this point my legs are drawn over his and my head is on his chest. He looks at me and says "liv you will never be a burden to me, I wouldn't be here if I did want to be, I care for you deeply" his next words shock me and it might've changed things for forever he says "I..I love you liv and there's nothing I'd rather be doing." I'm in shock things are silent for a couple minutes I don't say anything not because I don't love him, I do I really do but I just can't form words to say how I feel to. The room is silent I look at Elliot and I can tell he is hurt he gets up without saying he walks to the kitchen and starts cooking.

Elliots POV
  I can't believe I just did that. I'm a fool. I told her I loved her and she said nothing back. How could I let my emotions get in the way I'm supposed to be helping her not confusing or upsetting her more. At least I got it off my chest and knows where she stands. She doesn't love me the same. I will just distance myself I'll their for her only if she needs me. As I'm just about finished cooking breakfast the room is quite and awkward. I bring her a plate with pancakes bacon and eggs. I set the plate down in front of her and as I walk away I hear her utter a "thank you" I can't stand the embarrassment and shame I feel. I walk into the bathroom turn on the shower and begin to cry regretting my last moments

A/N: hi guys I know these chapters are short but they will get longer and things will heat up with drama/love and more. If you're reading thank you and I hope you're enjoying

I've loved you for forever Where stories live. Discover now