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Chapter One.

"Arissa, come here baby." Niall shouted chasing me.

"oh my god. Hell no! You're so bloody sweaty and stinky." I shouted laughed, running away for my dear life.

"LIAM NOW!" Niall shouted. I looked back not understanding what he meant and bumped into a hard figure really hard which caused me to almost fall but was caught in a pair of arms.

I looked up to see Liam infront of me laughing and turned around to reveal me in niall's arms.

"Ewwww gross! Let go." I laughed

"No." Niall stuck his tongue out.

I turned around and stood on my tippy toes, slowly bringing my lips closer to his causing him to close his eyes and loosen his grip around me which gave me the opportunity to break free. I gave him a fast peck and broke myself free.

"Hell yeah! Before you attack me, I'll give you more kisses ONLY after you're fresh and clean." I said trying to be serious as possible causing niall to pout.

"Okay guys stop. This is so weird to see my own sister kissing my best mate." Luke shivered.

"Shut up, Luke." Michael screamed.

"Why do you hate me so much Michael. I love youuuuu." Luke pouted.

"I said, shut up, Luke." Michael sternly said.

"Calum, I love -"

"NO, STOP. Please no. It's always you and Calum this, you and Calum that. I'm jealous. You're mine." Michael said really fast which made all of us laugh.

"Guys, please take a shower or something. The 5sos boys smell so much better than you stinky beast." Paul ordered.

"But why?"

"Your fans with backstage passes will be here in 20 minutes time. You wouldn't want your stink to scare them away now would you." Paul raised his eyebrow.

"I swear, our fans wouldn't even mind us being smelly or shit they would think our smell is heavenly." Louis said with a shrug.

"They would even want us to fart in a bottle just so it could be perfume. And our fart would smell like heaven to them." Michael said sipping his juice box.

"Okayyyy.......? Just freshen up or something please. God." Paul shook his head


extremely apologize for a short chapter one, chapter two will be longer. :)x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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