18: cassidy

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He listens to everything I tell him, including the ugly truth of who I really am. I can tell there are times where he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from butting in, so I tried to talk fast. "I didn't know it was going to turn out like this. I truly didn't. If I had, I would have stayed away. I know that you must hate me right now, but I would never do anything to hurt Maddox." I finally fall silent after spilling everything to him as Dean keeps an even expression.

My face is starting to throb again, but I don't make a move to grab the ice pack.

Dean's blue eyes meet mine, and he speaks slowly. "Did you honestly believe you needed the money when you went to events?"

I immediately nod because I truly did. "It never made sense to me why I had to go. My tips at the bar are decent. Noah's jobs are on and off again because of his drinking. It wasn't the nicest neighborhood, but living in New York isn't cheap. Especially when you factor in groceries, transportation, and his gambling. My first mistake was letting Noah handle the money, and my second mistake was trusting him."

"And you never took anything from Maddox?"

"I never asked him for a penny. I always try to refuse everything he gets me, but you know him better than I do. He doesn't exactly take no for an answer."

My comment at least gets Dean to crack a smile, "He really doesn't." He cocks his head to the side to study me, his eyes lingering on my cheek and eye longer than the rest. "Why should I believe you? You just admitted to being a con artist that steals money from people just like me, Maddox, and Sephine."

I don't break eye contact when I respond, "What reason do I have to lie? I've felt horrible about this long before I met you guys. Do you think I enjoyed the stealing and the deceit? I hated every event he told me I had to go to because it made me feel used. I loved Noah; what was I supposed to do?"

His eyes flicker back to my cheek, "You leave, Cass."

"You know better than anyone that saying something is a lot easier than doing it." I retort, hinting at his relationship with Maddox and his dad.

"So what exactly do you hope to get from telling me this? How do you know I'm not going to call the police on you."

I drop my head knowing that it's exactly what I deserve. "I don't know, and I wouldn't blame you if you did. I don't want anything from you. I'm just trying to do and be better." Now is the part where he kicks me out, and I've lost them both. "I think it's best if I leave." Better to walk out on my own than getting kicked out at least.

He doesn't say anything until I'm past him, and in the doorway, "Cassidy wait." I stop and turn around only to find myself being pulled into his arms. A breath of relief escapes me, "This isn't me forgiving you yet, but I get why you did it. Please don't make me regret this."

I feel tears burn in my eyes because Dean just proved Noah wrong. Noah believed that when they found out about everything, it would be me left on the streets. Dean's giving me a chance.

Thank god. I relax in his arms, letting the scent of cedar wash over me, "I won't. I promise."

He lets his arms fall slack as he steps back, "I don't know about you but I need a drink."

I laugh and nod my head, "I agree."

"Do I get to ask questions about what it's like?"

It throws me for a momentary loop, but it's only fair for him to have questions to make sense of it. "Yeah, you can ask questions. It's only fair."

"Shots or fancy?" He asks turning to look at me, and I smile faintly.

"Why don't you make something I taught you to make at the bar this week."

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