𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚛.

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(few weeks later)

it's been a little while since I've seen or heard from pink boy. we exchanged numbers but, he hasn't hit me up yet. ~ugh~


Me: please...please i promise i'll be a good roommate im not messy or loud i-

girl: ok fine but, you know you have to pay half the rent and if you dont, your out...understand.

Me: yes.. yes i understand. thank you so much I really appre-

*line disconnected*

i starred at my phone with a smug look. (wow shes rude) i shrugged it off and set my phone down.
"what now." i thought to myself, i move into their house tomorrow, everythings packed already so i dont have to pack anything, i have no food..or money and no internet.

~what the hell do i do~

I fell back on my slightly comfortable bed, wrapping myself in the warm fluffy covers. ~I guess I could sleep~

i closed my eyes. i began making different scenarios in my head to make me go to sleep faster.

this went on for a little before I finally fell asleep.

< the next day- 1:00pm >

~one more box, then I'm out of here~

I carried the last box out of the dingy
small apartment I used to call my home. I smiled to myself. im finally leaving this dump.

I walked into the hallway, passing my old neighbor's. "your leaving?...yes!." the crazy man said. this dude was the meanest person I have ever encountered in my life.

"fuck off." I whispered, rolling my eyes. I made it out outside after walking down like hundreds of steps. ~god~

I stuffed the box in my car and got in.
I started up my car, turned on the AC, sat back and then went on my phone. i also took out a cig and my lighter, i lit it up, took a couple drags. then i took a picture.


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babyrawr and 9k others liked this post
toopoor: cig.

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lovecigs3: love this.❤️❤️
jonbands: hot 😏
bebewebby: so pretty🖤

< peep >

"she's here peep..let her in!."
my girlfriend rosa, yelled from our room. "ok!" i yelled back. i set down my phone and made my way to the door.

i unlocked it, then opened the door.
once i opened it. my eyes met hers.

𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗿.


pink boy? he lives here.. but a girl answered, is he taken?...that would explain why he hasn't hit me up.

we both stood there, nothing to say, we just stared at eachother. i finally got to see his whole face.

the first thing that caught my eye tho..CRYBABY.. plastered in cursive above his eye brow, kinda nice.

he's really pretty and tall and he didnt have a shirt on. more tatts all over his arms and a few on his chest and torso they're all very interesting. especially the 'daddy' one.

i fiddled with my fingers, i was so nervous..but i have no idea why, maybe its the way he's looking at me....

< peep >

she's short and so much more beautiful in the light and she has tattoos. nice.

wow she's making me nervous, i dont usually get like this unless im about to perform.

"hey girl..my names Gus." i smiled, she gave me a smile back "Gus...hi."

"layla, that's my name." she grinned.
"where's your things?" i asked, i didn't see any boxes or bags. "oh..um they're downstairs, i actually was coming to ask rosa for help..." she giggled.

"well I can help...Rosa wouldn't have helped anyway." I shrugged.

I smiled again before quickly running inside to grab my shoes. i thru them on aggressively then I went into the hallway. I closed the door then said

"let's go." she began walking down the hallway and I followed behind her.

< time skip >


Gus had helped me bring up my things. he's pretty nice, his girl on the other hand, not so much.

she didn't even acknowledge me when she walked passed me. ~bitch~

but anyway, nobody's home but me, rosa and pink boy went out, He invited me but..I turned down the invite.

i've unpacked everything and gotten comfy. all I need right now is a bath.

yes. that would be AMAZING.

I got up from off my bed, slowly walking out of the room to the bathroom down the hallway. I turned on the water, made sure it was the perfect temperature, then walked out.

I did a little jog to my room to get my pajamas and hygiene products then I walked back into the bathroom.

I set my belongings down, took off my clothes and sat my ass in the warm bath water. I turned off the water once it was high enough.

I sat back, letting my body relax.

i sat in silence and very needed relaxation for some time. it felt nice ..well..it was. until i heard giggles and laughing coming down the hallway.

~they're back...yay..ugh~

831 words

Hiiii thank you for reading😘
i dont proff read shit so...srry 4 mistakes if there is any🤔

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