I believe in you

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it was approaching midnight and i was still in traffic. I'm pretty tired from partying for hours. the party was fun and hanging n talking with zilla made it even better.

- half an hour later -

i walked sleepily to the door and unlocked it. i softly took my shoes off trying not to make a sound. the house is pretty quite.

maybe they're sleep.

i closed and locked the door before tip toeing to my room.

- peep -

i listened to layla creep thru the house while I scrolled on my phone. I've been up waiting for her to come back. i kinda missed her.

Rosa and me ended up getting into a big fight over me texting someone and now she's on the earliest flight to her hometown. overdramatic.

"layla..." I shouted.

- layla -

i was almost successfully to my room when I heard peep call out my name. all I want to do is take all this off, take a bath and go to bed. what does he want now.

i made my way to his room and opened the door.


i slowly opened the door then made eye contact with peep. I smiled and he beckoned me over. "come lay on me."
he said softly. "peep.. no..Rosa's gonna-"

"..do absolutely nothing...now cmonnn."

i sighed then climbed onto his bed and laid my head down on his lap. I turned to face him. he was already staring at me.

"okay now suck my dick." he said with a big smile.

"oh fuck you." I rolled my eyes and then sat up. "Im KIDDING..stoppp lay back down I'm kidding." he whined while softly tugging at my arm. i smiled then laid back down. "okay but for-real tho..I just wanted to tell you that me and Rosa aren't actually dating...dating."

"I don't believe that." I rolled my eyes.
"believe it. she's gone for good."

- peep -

we stared into each-others eyes for awhile. she's probably wondering what I'm thinking.

~ I wanna fuck you so bad right nowww ~

"lay i-"

"we should fuck."

my eyes widened with surprise and i leaped up off the bed. she rose up to with a big smile on her face. "wait like actually... ur not just teasing?!"

"you were looking at me all...freaky and I can tell you want to..so?."

i smiled before pulling her into me and smashing our lips together. i picked her up and placed her on the bed. she wrapped her arms around the back of neck and with her other hand she scratched and pulled at my hair.

"I've wanted this for so long." I said, pulling away from the kiss. she smiled. i started decorating different parts of her neck with hickies. she moaned softly wherever I sucked.

i pulled away from her neck to take my shirt off and she took her clothes off as well.

i stopped and stared at her. her body is so beautiful. from the shape of her breast to her ...feet. i just can't help but to admire her.

she stopped and stared back at me.
"what?." she said smiling shyly. "you're just...so beautiful." I said in awe. she blushed. "how about you stay right there for a few minutes."

"what are you about to do." I smirked, leaning on the head rest. she got off her knees and laid on her back. she slowly slid her legs open. im so turned on. i didn't even realize how hard I was. she propped herself up on her elbows and stared me in my eyes and said.

"you're gonna watch me."

i bit my lip. "I don't think I'll be able to just stand here and watch lay." I playfully whined. she giggled and said "I believe in you." then winked.

i smiled then leaned back onto the head rest. "go ahead then."


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