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i love teasing her, the way i make her nervous, is so hot.

i swiftly moved my hand to her thigh, squeezing it. she tensed up under my touch. I moved it more up her dress and she closed her legs. tight, my fingers were trapped in between her thighs.

"calm down." I whispered in her ear. She bit her lip before opening her legs again. I looked at her with a slight grin as I focused on the many tattoos she had.

she could tell I was staring . she tilted her head slightly, I bit my lip knowing exactly what she wanted me to do.

it was only us two in the very back, so we had some privacy. I pulled her closer to me, my mouth connected to her neck and I began kissing, softly then eased into softly biting.

she made little noises here and there, she couldn't be loud because we're with people. I pulled away from her, with a smile, multiple Hickeys decorated her neck.

she looked at me with a smile.

(back at his place)

everybody was everywhere, loud music, drinks, drugs and girls were scattered around the apartment.

I was one drink away from being super intoxicated. I stumbled around trying to see where peep was.

"peep...ugh I wanna talk youuu" I made my way into his bedroom, my eyes widened at the sight, Gus and two girls were...I'm not even gonna finish.

I quickly ran, not being able to get that image out of my head. ( ew ew ew) I was surprisingly sad, yk the whole seeing ur crush with other girls stuff.

I leaned on the wall, I took a few more sips of the liquor I had in my cup. it felt like I was standing there for hours. i don't know why I didn't just go dance or something.

peep and those girls finally came out of the room, holding hands, he was slumped, he looked so out of it, but the girls looked completely sober. he finally picked up his head. "hey Layla."

he waved as they walked past me.
I did a little wave back. I watched to see where they were taking him. they seemed like they were heading for the front door. they were.

the two girls both whispered something to him.

"aye stop" he jerked away from both girls, causing a scene.
the girls looked scared but confused.
"what!?" "get out...leave now! tryna take your not gonna, bitches whispering in my ear." he slurred, what he was saying really didn't make sense at all but you can tell what the situation was about.

the girls nodded looking a little scared, then immediately left. and everyone went back to what they were doing.

damn. he seemed super high..or maybe drunk, the way he was slurring his words.

peep rubbed his fingers thru his hair as he walked passed me, he didn't even look at me.I sighed feeling a little down.

I took sip of the liquor again, I pushed myself off the wall.

"lay..." I heard peeps voice yell faintly behind me. I turned quickly. "yes"
he signaled me over before heading in his room.

I slowly walked towards it, I'm kind of nervous, I don't know whats gonna happen in here. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

Gus sat on his bed, he stared at the wall. his lamp glowed dimly on the night stand next to him.

"you wanted me...."

without making any eye contact with me, he patted the spot next to him. I made my way over to the bed.

~omg omg omg whats gonna happen~

I sat down then scooted closer.
"so..are we gonna t-" "shhh" he said emotionless as he stared at the wall, I stared a head as well.

"can we t-"

"shhh" he silenced me again. I wonder what he wants, he hasn't even told me why he wants me in here.

"peep..can I tell you something." he sighed and leaned his head back on the head board. "sure." I looked at him for a few seconds before looking down.
"I'm becoming weirdly obsessed with you..".

~why did I say that..fuck he probably thinks that's weird.omg~

I looked up at him to see what his facial expression would be. he glanced at me for a quick second before responding.


730 words
wow it's been awhile since I've uploaded, tbh I'm so sorry I've been busy and lazy so yeah anywayssss
luv u guys🥴

730 wordswow it's been awhile since I've uploaded, tbh I'm so sorry I've been busy and lazy so yeah anywayssssluv u guys🥴

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