Friday, August 21, year 20-FINALLY THE WKND!!!!

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Alright, so FINALLY, my first week of school has passed. Sooo... there's quite a bit to say. I should probably start at what I observed, or basically all the important info I got.

First of all, the school is not really that strict. Or, at least it doesn't feel that way. Besides the "Girls can only wear skirts that are at the kneecap or lower and the "You can't say words like gosh, or heck, or lordie," most of the rules are pretty laid back, as well as most of the teachers. Then again, this is the first week of school, so I guess it's not until next week I see everyone's true colors.

I'm also learning about how homework works, since in my last two years of middle school I never had any. I used to go to an ACE school, which has a VERY different curriculum verses your regular school. If you cared enough about how that system works you can just google it since I don't care enough to write it in for you. But, long story short, I didn't have homework during middle school, so this is new.

It's not that the homework is hard, but it's definitely time consuming. Thankfully I got everything early done today, so that's why I'm not writing this at 3:00 in the morning. Speaking of homework, I should start telling you about the teachers. I need to give them all nicknames, so just know that their names aren't actually that weird.

So Mrs. Po, my English and homeroom teacher, is pretty nice. She teaches well and speaks in an easy to understand way. There isn't really too much to her, at least nothing especially notable. She's pretty much my stereotypical idea of your average English teacher. Which isn't a bad thing, I'm just saying.

OK, moving on to Mr. Peter. He's my Bible teacher. We don't get homework for Bible(at least he doesn't give any) so  it's pretty nice. He speaks in an interesting way though, where most of his sentences end with this kind of lilt that always makes it sound like he's not finished with his sentence, even though he usually is. He isn't necessarily stereotypical, but I still don't know too much about him so can't really say much.

Mrs. Volley is my PE teacher. She hasn't really made any type of impression on me so I can't say anything about her either.

Sigh, now it's my science teacher, Mrs. Ped. I really don't know how I feel about her. She's not mean, per se, but she is strict. Which, I guess isn't a surprise, since she was a college professor the year before, so she expects the same from us kids as she'd expect from adults. But I don't see why you're gonna make a person rewrite their ENTIRE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT just because THEY DIDN'T KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T PUT SPACES IN BETWEEN ANSWERS. Look, cut me some slack. I'm a flippin' writer. WE PUT SPACES IN BETWEEN EVERY LINE.

*walks away*
*punches a pillow*
*Screaming in frustration*

Ok, I'm sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. Look, it's not my fault I'm a new student who hasn't been able to memorize everything. But, I don't think she's a bad person. She's just strict, and her expectations are bit high. But... ya know what, it's fine, I'm fine, I like science so I'll be fine.

Ah, now that that's done, let's talk about Mr. Salad, my Pre-Algebra. Now, I know that this is math, but he's actually a very good teacher, and I'm not saying this just because he's also Filipino(although my thought about him were automatically boosted about him once I learned that) Unlike Mrs. Ped, he always makes it a point to make his lessons clear and to the point. He speaks in a loud, clear and powerful voice, but not in a way that feels demanding. He almost always uses visual examples, which is something that I really want the other teachers to do more(or at least better). I feel like he, as a teacher, does his job best.

Now Mr. Past, my history teacher. He, I think, is the funniest teacher. He likes to crack jokes about that randomest things, like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or guys named Kyle, or granola sacrifices. Although the only problem is that I remember the jokes and forget the dates, but that's more of a me problem rather than his problem. The only real problem I have with him personally... would be that he says the homework too fast. But other than that, he's great.

Welp, I'm tired. Too tired to even type, in fact. I'll talk about everything else tomorrow. Hopefully I'll talk about it in a more interesting way then. Sorry that this entry was long and boring, but I think I used up my last brain cell on rewriting that science assignment for the third time...

 Sorry that this entry was long and boring, but I think I used up my last brain cell on rewriting that science assignment for the third time

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