8. Cook

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Ayla leans against Freddie, barely conscious as the world continues to spin and her head throbs aggressively. The night is dragging on and growing even more boring; Johnny White, the gangster, who was Kayleigh's father had given a long-winded speech and had explained the past rivalries between the Whites and the Hestons which were now to be annulled.

"Is she okay?" Emily asks Freddie, concerned about her sister who at this point couldn't even stand.

"Will be" replies Freddie as the group of them watch Cook bounce across the room and onto the stage.

"What's he doing now?" asks Effy as the music stops.

"Is he going to sing?" asks Katie.

"Yeah," says Freddie sounding completely fed up as he puts his arm around Ayla's shoulder.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to dedicate this to a very special lady," Cook smirks looking over to Kayleigh who looks down and giggles. Ayla looks at Emily and rolls her eyes in annoyance at Kayleigh. Emily smiles faintly to herself, knowing Cook's hard to get behaviour was finally making her sister a little jealous.

Cook begins singing and moves towards Kayleigh slowly, caressing all the girls he passes. Ayla scoffs at the fact that he isn't a half-bad singer. As he reaches Kayleigh Cook touches her face gently and kisses her hand. 

JJ sways in time with the music happily as Cook's singing gets louder and more theatrical. They enjoy the music for a moment before JJ leans in closer to Freddie with a worried look painted on his face.

"Johnny White. The gangster. Father of Kayleigh. Doesn't look happy" JJ says abruptly. Freddie and Ayla turn around to look at Johnny whose face is turning scarlet as he storms towards Cook, who completely unfazed continues to sing.

Freddie makes little effort to stop Johnny and within a few seconds, Johnny has smashed a bottle over Cook's head. Everyone gasps as Cook falls to the ground unconscious, covered in blood. Johnny's puppets grab Cook and hike him upstairs and out of sight as everyone stands dead still, too scared of Johnny White to do anything.

"We need to do something," says Effy. Ayla looks around confused, too drug fucked to know what to do. Freddie nods unwillingly and pulls a chair out from the bar nearby for Ayla to sit on, before cautiously making his way upstairs to reason with Johnny. The party is dead silent for a few minutes as the crowd awaits action before Cook falls off the balcony above them and into the wedding cake below. Cake splatters everywhere and Kayleigh shrieks as her dress is now covered in cake which makes Ayla laugh loudly.

"Ayla!" Katie whispers aggressively trying to get her sister to stop laughing. Ayla continues laughing as everyone else is dead silent.

"Ayla!" Katie repeats which just makes Ayla laugh louder, her brain too scattered to obey orders, especially from Katie. In a few seconds, Ayla's laughter is drowned out as the party turns into the full-fledged riot.

Everyone yells as punches are being thrown everywhere. The group scatters around the room trying to stay safe from harm as Ayla carefully waltzes over to Cook as he crawls onto the stage, barely conscious and covered in cake. She sits next to them and the two of them, completely fucked, laugh manically at the havoc which Cook had caused. Cook raises his fists triumphantly and looks at Ayla with a wide grin as blood drips down his face. They bask in the glory of the moment before they stand up and carefully walk towards the rest of the group who stand on the other side of the room.

The group of teenagers rummage through the crowd and out of the boat, running through the streets of Bristol before stopping to catch their breath in a large tunnel. All of them chuckle except Freddie, who just seems to be fed up.

"Cool party." chuckles Effy, one of her hands holding Panda's the other holding Ayla's.

"Cheers," replies Cook as he catches his breath.

"You're fucking unbelievable," says Freddie in all seriousness.

"I was trying to get laid man," says Cook wiping blood from his nose.

"You're always fucking trying to get laid!" Freddie replies.

"I try. I succeed. Right?" says Cook nodding towards Effy who grins at him. Cook puts a cigarette in his mouth. "Speaking of which, any of you girls fancy it?" he asks, looking towards Katie first.

"No, thanks! You're repulsive." laughs Katie. The glum mood of earlier today was already setting back in. Cook turns to face Pandora.

"Weird girl?" asks Cook.

"You're beautiful, but no," replies Panda as she spins slowly down the tunnel. "My tuppence feels all funny." Cook chuckles and looks over to Emily.

"Gay girl?" he asks. Emily shakes her head. Cook shrugs, his eyes brushing past Ayla as he looks over to Effy. Of course, Cook ignored Ayla.

"How about it then, Eff? Looks like it's just me and you," says Cook putting his hand against the wall. Effy and Freddie make firm eye contact, causing Effy to gulp and move away from Cook, ignoring his offer.

"Come on, Amy Winehouse. Home." Effy says to Pandora as she starts walking to the tunnel's exit. Katie and Emily start walking after them before Katie turns around, noticing Ayla isn't following. Freddie inches over to Ayla and puts his arm around her once more.

"You coming?" Katie asks Ayla. Ayla looks at Katie and then at Freddie.

"No" Ayla replies quietly. Katie scoffs and turns around on her heel, Emily walking beside her.

"Come on, we'll go somewhere else. Somewhere with women." Cook says to Freddie as he starts walking out the tunnel.

"Nah. I ain't going anywhere," Freddie says, turning around and walking the opposite way back towards his house with his arm around Ayla.

"Why the fuck not? asks Cook. Freddie stops walking and turns his head to face Cook.

"I'm tired. I'm going home, all right?" Freddie replies bluntly.

"It's two o'clock. What the fuck are you talking about, "you're tired"?" says Cook. JJ stands quietly in the corner trying not to take sides.

"Tired of you, mate," Freddie says sternly turning back away and continuing to walk towards the tunnel exit. 

"Fuck you then. Have fun with miss 'I'm not shagging anyone'" Cook says turning on his heel as he and JJ walk out the other end of the tunnel. Freddie kisses Ayla's forehead as she looks up at him. She can look at Freddie but not Cook because when she looks at Cook she knows deep down she doesn't wanna be spending the night with Freddie.

"He's a fuckwit don't listen" he chuckles.

"Oh you don't need to tell me that" she replies.

fuck you, peachy | skinsWhere stories live. Discover now