Jamming out

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_Authors note_
Thx for reading my story! Here's a happy one for you!

Nico di angelo stood, no not stood, he was dancing.
    He was jumping around, playing air guitar, both headphones in. At that moment he didn't have a care in the world.
   This was a rare moment for this demigod. Nico was almost always thinking about something, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing was relevant. He was always thinking except for this moment. In this particular moment Nico was free. Free from the voices that usually ran rampant in his head, free from random horrid thoughts, free from all of his problems. 

   The music blasted into his ears. He was singing along and dancing and having a great time when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning quickly he swung at the air, barely missing a very shocked Will Solace. 

   “Nico?” Nico turned a deep red. It was as if Will caught him in his under-wear, which may or may not have happened before… You will never know. 

   “Yeah?” Nico said, face burning. 

   “Are you dancing?” His boyfriend asked.

   “So what if I am?What's it to you?” He replied a little angry at himself. 

   “Oh, well it's fine. I like seeing you happy! Can I join you?”

   “Ummm… no I don't feel like dancing anymore…” Nico grabbed Will’s shirt and pulled him into a deep kiss. 

   “Love you death-boy.”

   “Love you to, sunshine!” 


225 words  

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